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I groaned and walked to the door

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I groaned and walked to the door. I peeped through peep hole to see who it was. Leonidas fucking Ember. I sighed heavily.

I unlocked my door and opened only by a centimetre. "What do you want?" I said coldly.

"I want to talk." He muttered.

"Does it include apologising for being an asshat?" I raised my eyebrow.


"Than you can peacefully fuck off." I was about to close the but Leo prevent me from doing so.

"Just open the damn door I'm not playing." He raised his voice. Now I don't like people yelling at me because I will cry.

"Not with that attitude!" I yelled. I went to close the door but this hoe stopped me from doing so.

"I'm being serious just open the door." Damn he's being serious. Like I give a fuck. With that attitude. No!

"You ask nicely."

"Please." Leo sighed.

I smiled gracefully and opened the door wider for him to come in.

He followed me further into the room and sat on the couch opposite the bed.

"What do you want to talk then? Make it quick cuz I want to sleep." I yawn covering my mouth.

"You owe me the truth and don't fucking lie." He bellowed.

"What the fuck are you talking about, is this still about earlier? Oh my goodness! Get a life!" I exclaimed.

"I saw you."

"What?" I scoffed in question.

"Tell me what were you doing in Ty's car?"

"You think I would hang with that guy?" I chuckled.

"This is no time for jokes! I'm gonna ask you again. What were you doing with him?"

"I—." What the hell am I going to say? Oh he told me spy on you in return of getting my mom out of prison. No I'm not saying that. I'll just lie.

"I...I was buying weed." I sighed.

"You're smoking again. After what happened? You almost fucking died!" He said with concern laced through his voice.

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