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"Hi Brandon." My mom gave a small smile. "Oh my god. How? What?" His eyes widen trying to process what he's seeing in front of him. He drops his bag and runs to mom to give her a bone crushing although my mom not hugging back. While this was happening the redhead walked down the stairs wearing an appropriate set of clothing and froze with the action happening in the living room.

I watch her face form into jealousy seeing my dad hugging my mom. "Hey babe." The redhead purred. My dad just waved her off and focused on mom while I gave her a side eye for interrupting the romantic reunion between my parents. I watch her walk off to the kitchen to pour the last bit of red wine into her glass and aggressively gulps it.

I see the redhead aggressively collect the two plates on the counter and the two wine glasses and aggressively slams them into the sink which results the catching the attention from mom and dad that she wanted.

My dad sighs and looks at redhead. "Rhea aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your night shift at 6? It's 5:30." He looked at his watch.

"I-uh I was gonna wash the dishes first then I'll get to wor—." My dad cuts her off. "No need you may leave, Xara will wash them." My dad replied.

"What?" I complained and my dad sends me a warning look and points to the kitchen. I shuffle to the kitchen with a scowl on my face passing Rhea on the way and not spearing a glance.

Rhea grabs her things and goes up to my dad to go give him a kiss but he denies and tells her to go. She sighed in embarrassment and her face turns red like her hair. I watch her walk out and a few seconds later I hear the car start and drives off.

"Poor girly." I muttered.

"Wash those dishes Xara." My dad warned. I scoff in disbelief. "No! That's exactly what I'm not gonna do. I need to know why the fuck are you having flings with multiple women." I snapped slapping the dish cloth against the counter.

"Xara please what your language." My mom pleaded.

"Sorry mom. But it's not fair—." My dad cuts me off.

"Listen hear young lady. You don't get to judge what I do okay? I'm a grown adult and I won't tolerate your behaviour." He bellowed.

"Then act like one, because the shit you're doing is unacceptable. You treated Rhea with the utmost disrespect. Did you see her face?" I yelled.

"That's none of your concern!" He replied.

"The fact that you don't even tell them that you have a daughter is what hurts me and it's very wrong of you."

"It's a fucking fling! Why would she need to know because there's no strings attached."

"I don't think she sees that. Did you see her body language, her behaviour towards you? She sees more than a fucking fling. You even humiliated her!"

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