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"You know, seeing your stupid face really fucking pisses me off

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"You know, seeing your stupid face really fucking pisses me off." Bailey hissed with venom looking down at me. "Why? Do I scare you, do I look like Amaya? Like I know everything you did to her?" I scoffed.

It clearly pissed her off with what I said which made me receive a kicked to the abdomen several times. "I don't know what the fuck talking about but you're playing with fire that will kill you."I received another kick to the abdomen.

Cassie from behind pulled my hair and my neck from the back forcing me to stand up. "Didn't I tell you not to touch my hair? You bitches never listen." I scoffed trying to get out of her grip. Madison came forward punched square on the cheekbone making me fall back onto the ground. I heard this bitch does boxing. Shit her punches hurt. I only fought them off because they were drunk.

Cassie repeated the same process pulled my hair and forcing me to stand up. Madison knowing the drill, she punches me again. I fall back to the ground. I start to feel nauseous from the weird feeling in my stomach mixed with the inflammation of getting kicked.

I lazily look at Bailey as she's on the phone texting someone. She looks back at me in disgust then puts her phone inside her blazer. "You know, I'd kill you right now but unfortunately you owe someone a favour." She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

The statement she just made my memory wind back to the incident that happened in the bathroom with the threat that I got from that guy. "I'd stab you so many times and watch you suffer a really slow death. Then I'd burn  your useless body at my aunt's crematorium and no one would ever find you." She threatens. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Why do you hate me so much? Like it's been two months girl move on. I'm sorry you failed to be noticed by Leo and friends but that's not my fault."

She pulled out a pocket knife and plunged her knee onto chest making me lose my breath for a few seconds. She held the knife against my throat. I could see from the corner of my eyes this scared the living shit out of Madison and Cassie. It looked like they wanted to run away since they didn't want to be involved in a murder.

"You see this knife?" No I cannot, it's under my chin. "I won't hesitate to slit your throat with it an—."

"Playtime's over Bailey." Said a voice. Bailey quickly moved off of me as she was startled by the presence of Ty Rex.

"Killing her wouldn't be very beneficial for you Bailey. Are you trying to ruin my plans?" I watched him fold his arms and glares at Bailey.

"No boss." She whispered. Looking at her feet shamelessly. I was already at my feet while I was busy brushing off the dirt on my flare leggings. I hissed in pain as I rose to stand up straight my abdomen burning with inflammation.

"Fuck off before I blow you brains out and traumatise your stupid minions." Ty threatened pulling out his gun, Bailey and her friends shrieked in fear as they scurried off for their safety.

He moved his attention back to me. It was only us in this alleyway and my heart pounded in fear. He could kill me if he wanted and he'd get away with it. Girl that bitch Bailey was close to slitting your throat. Girl I know but I knew she wouldn't do it.

"Your friends Leo and the Prince really piss me off. They are really corrupt especially that bastard Xavier. I heard his father his very sick and if he dies he'll become King. Now I need you to find me that location and once I find that place I'll know every secret, all their intentions and I'll expose them and they'll lose all they have and go behind bars."

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

He chuckled in amusement. "You don't know them. I mean once you find out you'll flee. Wouldn't you want to know the truth of what your friends really are. I heard even Trey is apart of it. If you do what I say. You'll see your mom the following day."

"I can't do this. I don't know how to do this. Why can't you get someone who's good at this type of things?" I sniffled wiping and tear off my face.

I watch him pull out his phone and swipes up and shows me a camera footage of female prisoners outside. He zooms in showing my mom sitting down by herself being closely guarded by the prison guards.

"They say she's very dangerous. With the crimes she's committed and the gruesome fights she's been involved in. You see how her face is so clean and youthful, I wonder how her opponents look like. I heard one of them is permanently deaf with the way she slapped the shit out of her."

I wiped more tears that were running down my face. "If you get me the location, you'll have a wonderful reunion with your mom but if you fail or refuse I'll make her death come quicker. You see those two prisoners playing chess over there?" I watch his finger point on his phone.

"And that prison guard. They there to protect her and make sure nothing bad happens to her. If you don't get the location, one phone call and they'll do the opposite. I'm giving you this week. So?" I saw him look at me with so much hope in his eyes.

"Okay I'll do it."

"Perfect. So I'll send you some stuff at your dorm in a few hours. They'll be sent by my little brother Enzo, the one you met in the bathroom." He smirked.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you. You should buy your mother a welcome gift and maybe throw a party." He walked past me giving me a pat on the shoulder.

I sighed and picked up my bag from the floor. I rummaged through it and took out my phone. My eyes widened, 9 missed calls from Leo and 14 text messages. Oh shit what am I going to say.

I switched to my camera to look at my face. Oh my gosh. The bruise on my cheek was starting to get worse my face drenched in salty tears.

I ran out of the alleyway I looked around the parking lot. His car is still here. Maybe I should run back to my dorm. I decided that was a good idea.

My phone vibrated and  Nabi's name popped up. I pressed the green button and put the phone against my ear. "Girl where are you? Leo is looking for you."

"Oh um I'm—I'm outside looking for him." I lied. "Oh then you should call him back then. I just got back from training." She replied.

Shit I can't go back looking like this. And I can't let Leo see me like this. My life got worse when my phone started ringing. It was Leo, a perfect lie popped in my head as I pressed the answer button.


Where are you? You said you were outside I've been looking for you everywhere. I thought you were missing or something.

I wish.

"Oh um can we postponed today. I'm at home cuz I had to see my—my dad's parents." I nervously stuttered a little.

"Oh sure no problem, just make sure you find a place to hide so no one catches you lying." He chuckled.

My heart stopped. Shit. Shit fucking shit.

AN: Heys guys I just wanted to say thank you so much for 36 votes and 1.5k reads I appreciate is so much. 🩷🩷

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