Chapter 1

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My name is [F/N]-[L/n], and I'm a cardiac surgeon. I've been studying my whole entire life to have this job. There's times where it's just horrible and I feel like I'm suffering, but it gives me a calm peace after knowing I did a good job, and that person can go live their life in not as much pain.

I grew up mainly alone and not really much friends. Parents were always away on business trips, and I was always too busy studying to go out and party, or even get friends. So in other words, I was basically a loner.

I'm always pretty serious and don't take my job lightly. And especially since I'm only 27, I get treated like a child. Hell, even from the damned nurses.. they love to make fun of me. But there is one soft spot I have, and that's working with kids. I've have multiple people tell me I act like a mother towards them when their scared, or I always somehow calm them down and make them laugh. I guess it just comes with the job...or maybe because of my past.

I was never a girly girl, and was never into stuff like that in general. I do drink, and I smoke from time to time when I'm under stress. And as a doctor you would think I would stay away from it, but no. In a way it's a coping mechanism when you get home at 3-4 in the morning, non-stop working and under constant stress thinking to yourself 'Is my patient gonna make it?'

Surprisingly, I had made two friends. Their names are Sachi and Penguin. They can be a bit of a nuisance, and not to mention annoying. But they keep me company, and make me feel like I belong there.

But on the other hand, their friend and me has a problem. He was ranked as a high official cardiac surgeon. In a way he's kinda like me, doesn't joke around and takes his job seriously. And lately, just because this man is in a way 'my boss' he acts like he's all high and mighty. And frankly, it's getting on my damn nerves.

I try not to let it get to me, but it's getting to the point where I might just throat punch a man. And I wouldn't necessarily be very sorry about it either. But then I'm faced with loosing my current position at my job.

Speaking of my friends, I was in the lounge waiting to get paged while I was going over paperwork and sipping at a coffee mug at the table, when the two said idiots walked into the room. "[L/n]! What are you doing here by yourself?" I set my mug down and flip another page after Sachi put his hands in his pockets and walked over towards me. "Paperwork." I blatantly stated. "Oh come on, what's wrong? Boss make you mad again?" I shake my head at Penguins question. "No, well at least not yet that is." Now it was silent while I was writing in the paper, that was until I felt a certain someone behind me. "[L/n]-ya, it's not kind to talk about someone when they're in the same room."

At this point, it's 2 in the morning and I'm tired. All I want is a drink and maybe a cig. "In the kindest way possible sir, I don't care. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a patient to attend." I mumble while my watch pings and I stand, all while gathering my paperwork. "Goodbye [L/n]!" Sachi and Penguin yell, making me smile and wave to them. "I'll talk to you guys later..."

I open the door and right when I closed it behind myself, I faint heard talking. "You guys are really fond of her, huh?" I raise my eyebrow while quickly listening. "She's a nice lady once you get to know her boss. Your just always grumpy." I could hear Penguin say. "That's not it. It's always something with her that makes me think she's bratty." I hear both boys laugh. "So are you boss. You guys are literal twins! Act the same, do the same, talk the same, and so on." I smiled at them backing me up. But then I had remembered what he said 'Bratty?! Excuse me, have you not seen yourself?' I thought, but soon brushed it off and started to walk to my patient.

I softly knock on the door where I see a little girl laying down alone. "Hey Liz, how are you doing?" I say softly while walking up to her and ruffling her hair. "Mom and dad said they couldn't make it..." I gathered her pain medication and handed them to her, to which she sadly took. "I know, and trust me I get where you come from. When I got sick my parents weren't there. And when I wanted to play they had to go work." Liz nodded her head and looked up, a smile soon gracing her face. "Dose that mean we can play again?!" I chuckled and grabbed a chess game. "Sure..Besides I don't have anymore work.."

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