Chapter 4

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I had a box on the passenger side of the chair, while driving down the highway. I was in a bit of a better mood than usual for some reason, but I still had a bitter feeling that something was going to happen.

Of course I hadn't paid much attention to it, I just put the radio on and tapped my fingers to the beat. I looked and waited for the light to turn green, and when it finally did I pressed on the gas. But when I looked to my left, I saw a car not stopping....And suddenly everything went in slow motion.

I could see the glass shatter and suddenly a sharp pain in my head Erupted, making everything turn pitch black.

|- Law Pov -|

I was checking up on some of my patients when I could see paramedics dash into the building. I wouldn't pay much attention to it..If only it weren't someone I knew. "[Y/n]-ya?-" and being the only doctor close enough I took it upon myself to take her case.

  "Details." I say while they pushed her to a room. "Was driving down [imaginary street] and a male under the influence ran a red and light crashed into the side of the vehicle. "How long has she been out?" I say while checking her over. "27 minutes." We hooked everything up to her and waited until she woke up. "Never thought that I would see one of our own doctors in our hospital bed." When those words left me, some sort of sadness had crossed my mind.

It's not like I fully knew her and I was no where near close to her. But I in a way felt kinda bad. I made sure she was taken care of and left the room, bumping into Sachi. "Boss, have you seen [Y/n]?" 'He was probably at another patient when it happened' I thought. "Room 507." I said while I put my hand on his shoulder and give him the look.

His eyes widened while he quickly made his way to the room. I went along my way walking down the hallways, being stopped by a certain girl. "Hey Law~" I hear from behind me, making my face cringe.

I kept my face forward while still walking, trying to ignore the woman that won't leave me alone. But of course, she's persistent. "Ain't cha glad that girl ain't working with you?" She said moving in front of me, making me stop. But when she puts her hand on my chest, a wave of irritation washed over me. "Leave me the hell alone. Just takes no for a damn answer." I say while face was full of disgust as I pushed her away. And I continued walking, hearing her groan in annoyance towards my blunt rejection.

I won't lie, it made me smile when I got under people's nerves. So when I had heard her take the defeat for today, I smiled to myself. "Today is gonna be a long day" I say while a small 'Ding!' erupted, signaling me being paged.

|- Reader Pov -|

The faint sounds of beeping crept in my hearing, becoming louder and louder with each beep. The last thing I can remember is getting ready and grabbing Liz's gift. 'Shit..My head.' I noticed the beating pain coming from the left side of my head.

I noticed that I wasn't on my couch if I had just passed out, which has never happened before..'Where am I?' Then it clicked.

The beeping, feeling of a different bed, and I can tell I'm no longer in my work clothes, but in what seems like a gown. I slowly open my eyes to the light that engulfed my vision. I looked around and noticed I'm in a hospital bed, and could feel an IV in my arm. My body is killing me and I'm still trying to figure out what had exactly happened. I didn't even bother to page a doctor, and I have no idea how long I was looking at the ceiling. But the silence was broken when I heard two people enter the room. "Ms.[L/n], your awake."

I eyed the woman that started to change the almost empty IV. "What happened?" Then the voice of the person that entered decided to show up. "You were in a car crash..Ms.[L/n]-ya" My eyes widened and remembered the incident. "It was gonna be a good day too.." I say with my free hand going up to massage my temple, but there was a bandage blocking the way.

I looked over towards the man on my right, wondering why he was my doctor. "Tell me, why are you stationed with me?" He was looking through papers, while taking a glance at me. "I was the closest one to you."

I smile and close my eyes. "Any trama?" He shook his head. "No." I hum. "MTBI?" I question. "He sighed and put his clipboard on his side. "Are you the doctor in this case Ms.[L/n]-ya?" I smiled and shook my head. "No, just wondering if I can work." He game me a 'are you stupid' look. "What?" And to that he face palmed. "Ms.[L/n]-ya, you may not be suffering from a MTBI, but you are suffering from bruising and abrasions...Mainly in your chest and ribs." He said calmly. "You got pretty lucky though. No broken bones, not even cracked ones. No internal bleeding either..."

Im glad it wasn't anything horrible, but my ribs and chest will take a week or three for them to partially heal. "Damn...I'm guessing I'll be here around 4 days then..Am I right?" He nodded his head. "Estimated about, yes." I nod my head and closed my eyes.

"Hey Law?" He responded with a single hum. "Can you tell Liz what happened? Just say I got a little hurt and I won't be able to see her for a little? And that I'm sorry about the gift..." He was silent, and you could feel a pair of eyes on you. "Sure." He quietly responded. "Thank you, Law."

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