Chapter 12

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The soft sounds of passing cars, soft songs from birds, and the occasional yelling from your crazy neighbors made you stir in your sleep.

You opened your eyes and looked around the room. You noticed the clothes that were thrown across different places, and some of the clothes that definitely were not yours. That's when it finally hit you. You were stark naked. And not only that, but you also felt soft puffs of warm air, noticing someone's breathing, and the arm that laid across your waist.

You looked over your shoulder to see jet black hair, leading down to the face of a man who for once, didn't look so tired.

You slowly turned your body to face him.  Pulling your hand up to trace his tattoos, and inspect the ones on his hands. Suddenly his eyes opened while you were looking at his hands. You didn't know it, but he smiled because of the look of concentration. "Morning." You quickly looked up, forgetting about the tattoos. "Did i wake you up?" You asked, concerned. He just smiled and leaned down to give you a soft kiss. "I needed to get up anyway." you giggled. "That wasn't a no."

He shook his head and pulled you closer to his body, you gladly accepting this welcome. "So, what are the plans for today?" A humm escaped from you as you thought. "To be honest, i'm not sure.."

Suddenly a devilish smile crept up onto his face as he moved his body to be above yours. "Or, we can stay in bed..." He said while softly kissing your neck. "Hmm.. Doesn't sound too bad." You giggled when gave you a playful nip.

But of course, before you guys could have any fun, someone starts calling you. "Damnit.." Hesitantly you picked it up, only to see it was Ikkaku calling. "Hello?" You didn't sound very happy. "[Y/n], you need to come in today." You gently pushed Law off of you to sit up. "Why what happened?" Your now good mood was replaced with an urgent and confused one. "There was a shooting, we need all hands on deck." You nodded as if she could see you and let her know you would be there.

Law sat back up as you started to get clothes on. "What happened?" He seemed worried as you rushed. "There was a shooting, they said they needed all the help they could get right now... Which means you should probably go too." He sighed and looked at the clothes from last night, which was a bit too formal.

You noticed and started to slip shoes on. "There should be some stuff you can wear in the closet near the guest bathroom." He nodded and headed out of your room while you gathered all of your necessities.

When you walked out of the room he was tugging a shirt  over his head and grabbed his keys. "Ready?" he asked. You nodded and handed him his phone he left in the room and headed out the house.


Once you both had gotten there it was just straight up mayhem.

After law gave you a discreet kiss on your temple and a 'good luck', you were off to see what you could do.

Supposedly, there was a car meet and one person hit someone else's car, who didn't like it and ended up shooting people around him. In total, there were 11 people caught in the fire. Resulting in 2 deaths, 4 critical, and 5 minor.

You took on the task of taking on the more critical and were being led to the operating room.Once you got in and started prepping, you took a glance at the girl. She looked no older than 17 and had a permanent look of terror on her face. "Details." You asked. "16 year old female, shot 7 times. 3 in the chest, 1 in the upper right thigh, 2 in the right bicep, and 1 in her left shoulder.

"Shit." you said with a grimace. She was way too young to have that done to her. You quickly made your way to the table where she was set up and took a deep breath. "Ok, Lets save her."


You stood in the washroom cleaning your hands while staring at the water that had a low hissing noise that followed its stream.

She Ended up making it, but you had no doubt she would end up being paralyzed. Turns out one of the bullets had managed to hit her spinal cord. You just couldn't get the look of terror she had out of your head. "Damnit..." You cursed and turned the water off, following with drying your hands.

You walked out, only to bump into Ikkaku. "I'm glad you made it [Y/n], we needed your help." you nodded and let out a sigh. "Were the others that young as well?.." You cringed when she nodded her head. "The oldest was 23.. Youngest 13." Shaking your head you gave her a pat on her shoulder. "Thanks for calling me, I'm gonna go see if the parents are here." She nodded. "Room 301.." You smiled and let your feet direct you in the direction the girl you operated on was taken.

When you knocked and gently opened the door, you could see three people. You guessed her mom, dad, and sister. "Hi, im doctor [L/n]. I'm the one who-" You jumped in surprise when the mom figure walked up to you and gave you a hug.

"Thank you." was all she said. You let out a breath you were holding and gave a soft hug back. Soon though, she let go and stepped back to where the dad and sister were. "Is she gonna be ok?" The male asked. " You gave the the look. "I'm so sorry..." and with that the mom let out a sob, while the sister just held her hand. "She was shot 7 times, and one managed to hit her spinal cord. I know this is bad to say but, I don't doubt she's paralyzed.. At least from the shoulders down." You once again cringed while she cried even louder. "I'll let you all have your time." And with that, you let yourself out.

That was one thing you hated about your job. Having to tell the families that they were either gone, or they had something horribly wrong. You didn't even notice, but your feet lead you straight to a conference room where you knew he would be at.

Once you had opened that door, you made eye contact with the one you already missed. "Law.." He understood and quickly got up and gave you a one armed hug.

It was just him in there and you wrapped your arms around his waist. "She's 16.." He hummed and rocked you. "How about we go over to my house after this is all done? Relax, have a drink, and rest... I think we both need it." You nodded your head in his chest. "I just wanna sleep..." He let out a chuckle as he looked down to see your tired face with a pout.

You looked around and gave his cheek a kiss. "I'll see you in a bit?" You asked as you pulled away. "Yeah.." And just like that, you went back to work. And after everything was done, you both headed to his house. He has the fluffiest white dog you have ever seen in your life named Bepo, who you showered with love.

And you both ended up relaxing in his room in the dark, holding each other for the night.

Ravished Hearts | Trafaglar Law x Reader |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora