31 | made for you

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okay last chapterrrr - ROLL CALL!


one day later..

yes, it's true. my leilei woke up.

and i couldn't be happier. the rest of her family and loved ones came and visited but still took it easy as she was barely aware of what the fuck was going on.

it was quite a shock for her to hear that she was knocked out for 7 days. but the doctors waited til today to run tests instead of yesterday so she could have time to gain more awareness.

right now, her, margie, and i are just in her hospital room chilling. i keep finding myself being clingy as hell which lani doesn't mind but margie keeps politely reminding me to give her some space.

but according to the doctors, lani is doing very well as far as recovery. they're saying that she's doing really good for someone who woke up a little over 24 hours ago.

"this food is not the vibe," lani said as she spit some of it out with a chuckle.

margie and i laughed. "you gotta eat lei," she said.

"i can't believe you've been eating this shit for a week," lani looked at me.

"i haven't cause i've barely been eating," i shrugged.

she poked her lip out. "oh baby."

"mrs. o'connell," the doctor suddenly rushed in.

"what's wrong?" lani, margie, and i said in unison.

"these test results," he put his hand on his forehead, looking at the ipad in his hand.

"what?" lani asked, eagerly. "what's the problem?"

he handed her the ipad. her eyes got wide as she read it.

"oh my god," she said lowly. "my cancer i- is gone?"

"WHAT??" margie and i exclaimed.

"the fuck do you mean?" i snatched the ipad from lani.

"there's no way," margie got up to come look at it.

"how the fuck is that possible?" i looked at the doctor.

"yeah i thought the success rate was like 15%?" lani questioned.

"seems like you made that 15%," meg grinned as she walked in.

"cases like this are possible but they're so rare that it's considered a miracle," the doctor shook his head, still in disbelief.

"so," lani paused. "okay so wait. after damn near killing me, the immunotherapy got rid of my cancer after all?" she squinted.

"yes," the doctor smiled. "there is no cancer in you right now. but due to your family history, there's no guarantee that it won't come back."

"yeah i understand all that but it's gone now!" her eyes got wide, finally believing it. "oh my god! i'm going to live!" she cheered.

"oh my god!" we all cheered, tears coming to our eyes.

i went and hugged lani so fucking hard, squeezing her. "i'm not going anywhere baby," she whispered in my ear.

"you fought so hard baby," i told her.


3 months later..         
                               leilani's pov -

after having to stay in the hospital for awhile to make sure i was okay, they cleared me to leave. multiple different tests confirmed that my cancer is indeed gone.

yes, it could come back in years or whatever. but right now, it's gone. and that's all that matters.

my loved ones are happy. my wife is happy. i am happy.

billie seeing me in my death bed definitely taught her not to take shit for granted. margie too. everyone really.

anywayssss, life is good. billie and i have been living out here in hawaii having fun and she agreed to stay here for another year so we could spend time with each other before we return to work.

she's going to go on tour and i'm gonna continue to travel as a model. yes, i'm keeping the house. i'm not selling my shit. idk what billie was thinking.

when she's done with tour, we're going to take turns living in california and hawaii which we're really excited for.

life is good.

"hey," billie looked at me as she walked on our patio to accompany me.

"hey," i chuckled.

"whatcha doing?" she sat next to me.

"just taking it all in," i happily sighed as i stared at the ocean.

"still can't believe it huh?"

"it's just so crazy," i chuckled.

"you fought so hard."

"i had to," i shrugged. "i wasn't going to leave you. i could never."

"and why is that?" billie chuckled as she looked at me.

"because you've never left me," i said. "i was on death row and you never left my side."

"oh baby," she poked her lip out. "i'll never leave your side, ever."

i kissed her lips. "i love you."

"i love you too," she smiled.

"thank you for everything billie," i held her hand. "you're one of the best things to happen to me."

"ditto baby," she rubbed my hand with her thumb. "you're the best i could ever ask for."

"oh stop," i joked.

"seriously," bil laughed.

"yeah?" i smiled at her.

"i mean i've been loved before but right now in this moment, i feel more and more like i was made for you."

for you..

                                  - the end -

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