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"What if I just skip today?" Isla questions as she paces the hotel room she had arrived to last night, Daniel was sat on the foot of the bed, watching her anxious figure go back and forth. It was slightly amusing, watching her ask him questions but then immediately answer them herself.

She had been doing this for the past fifteen minutes now, if she kept going any longer they were definitely going to be late for the third practice of the weekend.

Isla had spent the remaining days of Daniels summer holidays with him in Australia, it was safe to say that it had probably been the most enjoyable five days of her life. They had gone to the beach almost everyday, going surfing and finding out that Isla was exceptionally better than him— which definitely came as a surprise to the man.

He had even somehow managed to convince her to get on a dirt bike, which didn't end too well for either of them, but that was a story for another time.

Daniel didn't think it was so possible to feel so happy simply though being in someone's presence. Isla had quickly proved those thoughts wrong, those few days he had spent with her were the most euphoric he had ever felt— excluding the birth of his niece and nephew.

Isla had gone above and beyond during their time together, trying to be as open as possible during conversation and never hesitating to agree to any plans he suggested. She was well aware that she probably didn't deserve his forgiveness, but he gave it to her, and all be damned if she lets him down again.

After their four days in heaven came to an end, Isla had planned to fly back to London, since she had left Milo with Taco— considering how short notice this trip was and how he had offered. But then Daniel had invited her to the next few race weekends, and she couldn't think of a very valid reason to deny him.

So, she had called up Taco on their last evening in Perth and asked if he could keep watch over Milo a little longer. They had come to the conclusion that her friend would take him back to LA with him, since he had to get back to his own work stuff and she would be there soon anyway.

"Are you actually going to these races though, or are you on a sex bender and don't want poor Milo to witness it?" Taco had joked on the phone, oblivious to the fact that he was on speaker until Daniel let out a loud cackle from across the couch.

Isla kicked her foot at the man across from her. "I'm going to kill you when I get back."

"Well, until then, don't worry about little Milo. He's in safe hands!"

"Travis, I swear to God, if so as one little hair is out of place on my baby I'll—"

"Have a fun trip, Isles!"

And then he had hung up on her. Daniel had been filled in already about the two of them had become good friends recently, and he didn't think he had anything to be worried about. If there was one thing he could fully trust Isla on right now, it was definitely her loyalty. He was fully certain she would never be unfaithful to him, which is why he had come to the conclusion that he actually liked Travis.

Isla did still have to fly back to London though in order to leave Milo's stuff with her friends before she flew to Belgium. Which is why she was a day late to the weekend, only arriving on the Saturday.

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