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song of the chapter:
best years - 5 seconds of summer

     Family vacations were Islas favourite thing in the world, before her parents had gotten divorced, they would travel every summer. Whether it was to Dubai or the Philippines or even someplace new, they used to do it all. Which is why, when Daniel suggested taking both of their families on a trip during his winter break, she had immediately jumped at it.

She had flown back to Monaco with Daniel a couple days after the final race of the year, where he had solidified his second place in the drivers standings. Only falling behind Max and just about beating out Charles and Lando. He was beyond thrilled, getting his highest finishing position in his entire F1 career. 

Isla knew though that this only meant he would be fighting that much harder next year for that top spot.
Which she wouldn't mind as much if she didn't now live with him; another big change they had gone through this year.

Daniel had popped the question during that years Monaco Grand Prix while they were out on a random walk, it had taken Isla by a lot of surprise and definitely took her a minute to confirm what he had asked. Her boyfriend had waited patiently as the gears turned and twisted in her head for the next few minutes, nothing but stutters escaping her lips.

" want t-to live with me?" she questions, her jaw slightly hanging as she still struggles to believe what she had been asked.

Daniel places his arms on her shoulders, his fingers rubbing gentle shoulders into her tanned skin, and he smiles softly. "I want to do everything in life with you. Move in with me, then we'll get our own place. A nice house where we can have a life, a future, anywhere you want."

"Daniel..." she spoke quietly, and for a moment, a brief fraction of a second, he could see that fear return to her eyes and it scared him. But what she said next didn't. "I— I would love to move in with you."

He had let out a huge breath of relief when she finally spoke those words. His lips coming into contact with hers almost immediately, and life had never felt so good. Stood there, in the beautiful streets of Monaco, able to hold his girlfriend and love her so freely.

Even though Daniel had given Isla free reign over his home, she had refused to fully move herself in without him present. So, during one of his free weekends, he had taken some time off to help her unpack all of her stuff.

It felt odd at first, seeing all of her stuff mingled in between his, all the empty spaces filled with her own belongings. But then it had brought him the most extreme amount of joy ever.

He loved how she took up all the bathroom counter space with her products. He loved how she filled his kitchen racks with spices he had never heard of. He loved seeing her shoes next to his by the front door, her clothes hung up side by side next to his own. It had truly started to feel like home.

Now, they were laying side by side on the front bow of the boat Daniel had rented out for the day, Isabella nestled tightly between them as they bathed in the rays of the sun. The young girl had refused to leave Islas side since the day they landed, always demanding that she take her for swims and that she was the one who always gets to hold her hand (and not Daniel) when they were out.

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