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song of the chapter
nervous - the neighborhood
'i want to show you that i'm so capable'

     Race day had come and gone exceptionally fast, both McLarens finishing well into the points and causing massive celebrations in the garage on both the Saturday and the Sunday. It gave them hope for another race win before the end of the season, hope for their rank in the constructors and for both of their drivers competitiveness.

The boys had gotten themselves a 6-7 that weekend, a considerably better result for Daniel especially after what happened in Hungary.

Daniel had been decently pleased with his result for the day. It was no secret that he wanted more, to go back to his race winning days, to just be on that podium again like in Monaco. But he would definitely take a seventh spot finish than the thirteenth spot finish he had gotten at the last race.

Isla had spent her weekend on Daniel's side of the garage for the first time, it felt odd being on the opposite sides. Amani wasn't necessarily avoiding her, it just wasn't fun to have that constant tension surrounding everyone. Which is what prompted Isla to spend most of her time with Michael and Blake, and oh how she missed her best friends.

Luisinha had done her best to split her time three ways, between Isla and Amani and Lando, it was growing extremely exhausting for her. It was obvious the three of them wanted nothing more than for things to just go back to normal, but Amani and Isla both needed this. Lu would just need to find a way to accept that.

In an effort to feel normal though, she had asked Daniel and Isla to join the couple and Amani for dinner after the race. She had made it explicitly clear that Michael and Blake were more than welcome, especially if it would make Isla feel more comfortable
and less isolated from her best friends.

And Isla was definitely feeling it. Even though Lu still made time for her, it hurt to see her and Amani walking around and laughing together. It made her severely miss being a part of it, which is why she immediately accepted the offer for dinner.

If Amani wanted her to earn back her forgiveness, then she was going to do her damned best to do so.

Truth be told, she had to pre game a little for some confidence— Daniel didn't really approve of it, but if it helped settle the nerves then so be it. The pair were now walking into the restaurant, Daniel's arm slung around her waist as they weaved through the countless tables to where their friends were already seated.

"Sorry we're late." Isla smiles at everyone, giving hugs where they were permitted before sitting in the seat that Daniel had graciously pulled out for her. "Totally my fault, won't deny it."

Lando let's out a cackle as he looks between them. "You guys really couldn't keep it in your pants till later?"

"Lando!" Luisinha scolds, backhanding his arm.

Islas cheeks were as bright red as a stop sign, her gaze averting from everyone around her. Truth was, Daniel and Isla hadn't been intimate since Miami. Neither of them had tried to approach the other in that way just yet, and there was absolutely no reason for it other than the chances didn't arrive.

On Daniel's behalf, he didn't want to rush things with her, since the last time they had been intimate had lead to her running out on him and ignoring him for days. Besides, he liked where they were with each other right now, and so did Isla.

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