Chapter Twenty-Three

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One day in October Wheaton announced that we were going on a trip to the mountains to go skiing. He had already rented the cabin, and he wrapped me up in a big bear hug and said this was a reward for being so well behaved. That statement made my mouth turn sour as I thought about what I was trading my soul for, a fucking skiing trip.

We were loading up the truck with Wheaton's skiing gear when he turned to me.

"We will be driving almost seven hours away to make sure you aren't recognized. I hope it's worth it. I haven't been to this ski resort before, so I don't know exactly what to expect," he said, lifting another bag into the back.

"Well, I have never been skiing before period, so it'll be a first for me," I responded as Wheaton unfolded and locked the truck bed cover.

"You'll love it. It's a little early in the season, but there's plenty of snow up in the mountains. We'll rent you some skis when we get there," he said, cupping my cheek gently. "It'll be good to get out of the house for a little bit, won't it?" I nodded.

"Yeah, it's been awhile, unless you count the whole Ben situation," I spoke softly. Wheaton sighed and rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

"I know it's tough for you. I wish I could take you out more, but you know the risk," he whispered.

"It's okay, I'm just glad that we are able to take this trip," I said, not entirely lying. I was excited to leave the house for a little bit, but I was also scared shitless. I didn't know how to act in public when one wrong move and my psychopathic kidnapper would kill everyone in sight. Not to mention, I was sure to get overstimulated after over a year of captivity. I wasn't used to crowds of people. What if someone noticed that I was acting weird? I was probably worrying over nothing. We were driving hours and hours away from anyone who would recognize me, and people were so wrapped up in themselves, they weren't likely to notice one strange girl. Regardless, my stomach was in knots as we buckled up in the car, and Wheaton started it.

"This will be a good trip," Wheaton said, smiling. I leaned my head against the cool window and looked out as his neighborhood passed on by.

"Yeah, I'm sure it will be," I mumbled.


The car ride was long and arduous. There were several accidents due to the recent snowfall that slowed traffic down. Wheaton bragged that his four wheel drive would make light work out of the slick roads. I commented that it was pretty early for this much snow in the area, but Wheaton said it would warm up soon and melt it all anyway. As we got closer to the mountain, the snow got worse and so did the accidents. It took us over nine hours to get to the resort, and I was starting to go crazy cooped up in the truck. It was pitch dark by the time we arrived.

Wheaton got us checked in and then drove up to our cabin. It was nestled between many identical cabins, but it had more than enough privacy. I helped Wheaton unload our luggage and haul it up the front stairs. Inside was warm and welcoming, full of nice carpet and exposed wood. There was a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom with an enormous tub.

"Wow, it's so nice!" I said, genuinely impressed. My family never got to travel much. At first it was because of my dad's health and then my mother couldn't get time off work, and so this was easily the nicest place I'd ever stayed in. Much better than that dusty, disgusting cabin out in the woods. I shuddered at the thought of Hannah, Mary, and Ben and what had transpired in that cabin, in those woods. No, I couldn't dwell on that. There was no changing the past. I just had to work to make sure there were no more innocent victims.

Setting down his luggage, Wheaton started up the fireplace. It cast the whole room in a warm glow. I walked towards it and held my cold hands out, sighing as the warmth washed over me.

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