Chapter Thirty

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While I had felt better at first the closer we got to the cabin that more intense the flashbacks got. I could feel Wheaton's hand on my leg. I could taste his tongue in my mouth. I could smell the scent of our body fluids. I could hear his taunting voice. Then I would see those horrible images; of Mary's young, terrified face and Hannah's mutilated body. I sat in the back of the SUV and my stomach churned. By the time we entered the woods I was in a state of panic. My breathing was quick and my heart pounded in my ribcage.

"Are you alright?" Agent Parker asked from what seemed like miles away. I shook my head violently, clamping my mouth shut to fight back the nausea. "Hey, Giles pull over for a second." The car slowed and I leapt from the vehicle and threw up violently on the side of the road. It had started snowing lightly and my puke marred the fine white layer that had settled on top of the leaves. I knelt there panting and quivering.

"Reyna..." I heard Wheaton's voice taunt. I started to dry heave even harder while I listened to the agents exit the car.

"Reyna, Reyna are you alright?" Agent Parker asked, concerned. She leaned down next to me, looking unsure of what to do.

"I-I'll be fine," I gasped while I squeezed my eyes shut. "It's just a... panic attack... I'll be fine," I said to assure myself more than them. I tried listening to the sounds of the birds, feeling the chill of the snow, smelling the scent of sap and pine. Eventually my heart slowed and my breathing calmed.

I was safe. He wasn't here. He could never do those horrible things ever again...

"Here," Agent Giles handed me a water bottle. "You can wash your mouth out."
"Thanks," I said gratefully. Once I was feeling better I stood up and we continued our journey through the winding forest roads.

"You are coming back, huh? This place holds a lot of precious memories, doesn't it?" Wheaton's voice whispered into my ear. I absentmindedly reached back and ran my fingers over the scar on my shoulder from when Ben had sunk his teeth into my flesh. "Ah yes, this is where Ben died too. Remember stabbing him? You didn't feel a thing. Not even when you helped me burn his body to ashes."

"Go away," I murmured as we pulled up to the cabin.

"Did you say something?" Agent Parker asked.

"No, nothing," I said as we exited the car.

Here it was. It was as tiny and decrepit as I remembered it, but now yellow caution tape surrounded the area. The place was a hive of activity, and several police cars sat in the driveway with their owners scattered about in front of the cabin. There were several basset hounds and beagles on leashes, and I supposed they were cadaver dogs. They reminded me of the real reason I came to this place- of my grim duty.

"Whenever you're ready, we will follow you," Agent Parker said gently. I nodded and started the trek through the woods. I didn't recall exactly where the clearing was, but I knew the general direction. It took longer to find it than it had when Wheaton had led me here, but eventually the dogs started to get antsy as we entered the familiar circle of trees with the strings tied to their branches that were blowing gently in the breeze.

Agent Parker placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You did a good job, Reyna," she assured me. I slowly walked over to where I knew Mary's body lay. It was by the oak tree closest to a cluster of boulders.

"She's here. This is where I buried Mary," I whispered. "He wanted to burn her, you know? But I begged him to let me lay her to rest here with the others. I figured-" I choked on my tears. "I figured her family would want her body back some day." I collapsed to my knees and wept. Almost surprised I still had tears to cry after today. After giving me a moment Agent Parker spoke.

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