2) Unlikely Reunion

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America slams his car door close as he approaches the two men standing in front of him, blinded by the car's front lights.

"Germany, right?" America pulls out his hand, offering a handshake, "The Chief told me to meet up here, I hope I wasn't too late."

Germany returns the greeting with the biggest grin on his face, "Not at all! We're just about to send back the evidence to the lab, along with the victim's remains for an autopsy report."

"So everything's already been taken care of?"

"We just need to escort the people back into the building once we're done," Germany steals glances behind America once in a while, until eventually, he asks, "I don't want to come off as rude or anything, but... can I—"

"You may," America cuts him off before throwing Germany the keys, "She's a beaut ain't she?"

"DANKE, DANKE." Germany chimed cheerfully as he looked back at Russia, "I'll just look around for a bit, I'll be quick."

Germany got into the car, admiring its glamorous steering wheel and its leather seats, leaving the two countries alone.

America notices how Russia is looking away with his arms folded over his chest, to which he immediately took notice.

"Well," America offers another handshake, "It's good to see you, Russia."

Russia recognizes the same dark-tinted glasses America always wears, the same navy coat that he always ties to his waist, and the very same messy hair that he never brushes. It's been 5 years and he hasn't changed at all.

He sighs before returning the greeting for formalities, shaking his hand, "I'm surprised you still remember me,"

"Of course I do, I'd known that hat from anywhere." America teased as he flicked Russia's ushanka.

Russia grumbled before fixing his headwear. "It's an ushanka. Not a hat." He corrected.

"If it covers your head, then it's a hat."

Russia took a deep breath, remembering what Germany told him. If you get the urge to punch this guy, hold it.

He sighs and unfolds his arms, looking over at the car Germany was still infatuated with. Russia looks back at America, his expression was unamused and level, trying to hide the fact that he had a nauseous feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"I never really thought of you as someone who'd be interested in joining the force," Russia tilted his head, examining the American from head to toe, "Didn't you drop out to pursue law school or something else?"

America chuckled before shrugging Russia off, "I did. I kept changing majors until I was able to make a living doing my own thing."

"Well, what changed?" Russia gives America an unwelcoming look, "It seems you've been doing just fine."

"My old man assigned me to this job, and I can't say no."

America's smile turned into an irked frown, looking at the crime scene from afar as the cold night breeze relentlessly hit him and his partner. With their hair flowing in the wind, they stood alone in the middle of the empty street.

"He said that I was incompetent and self-centered, and honestly, he's right. Maybe I need this more than I thought." A fire flickers out from his lighter, and the warm light illuminates his face. He cups his hand, trying to light up his cigarette, "It's probably for the best."

"Well, it's a tough field. That's all I've got to say, as long you're not squeamish you'll be just fine." Russia approaches America from behind, patting him on the back. "It's good to see you too, America."

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