5) Unfinished Business

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The elevator beeps once as it reaches its intended floor, its doors sliding open while Macau leads them through the receptionist in front.

"Psst... Russia!"

America leans in and whispers, holding Russia by his arm, "Just to be clear, did you dump China or did China dump you?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Russia scowls, jerking his arm away from America.

"I mean why else would he bring you here?"

Russia glares at America with a judging look before answering, "It was a mutual breakup, we both fell out of love and figured it'd be best we go our separate ways since we'd be living in different places."


America raised an eyebrow, not believing Russia whatsoever, "You said you couldn't get over him for months."

"Jesus, fine." Russia groans, finally admitting, "China dumped me."

"Hah! Knew it!"

America is laughing hysterically as he catches up with Macau, leaving Russia behind the golden hallway.

"So, Mac." America interrupts.

"I told you not to call me that."

"Are you going to elaborate on what just happened earlier?" America asked with the most passive-aggressive tone.

"You see, our company has dealt with various kinds of people such as noblemen, CEOs, or anyone that's deemed valuable to us," Macau started, "But we've also had dealt with certain people with... special cases."

"Special cases, huh?" America's lips curves into an irked frown. "I'm guessing you guys assumed we're one of—"

"Do not interrupt me." Macau dictated, which America impulsively obliged, "We have certain treatments for, as I've said before, certain people. With higher-ups, we'd serve them with care and respect. For our enemies who try to destroy our company from the inside, we love toying with their instincts with the element of surprise."

"That's pretty fucked up." America points out, "But I'm kinda into it. Continue." He grins, glancing at Russia.

"We have certain codes that we often use for situations like these, especially when we were needed to provide a vehicle for our guests." Macau confirms, "The code '8' is for the people we consider important. And the code '4' is for the traitors and enemies that deserve what's coming for them."

"Ohhh," America snaps his fingers as it finally clicked to him, "Wait, does that mean we're...?"

"No, you two were considered an 8. There must've been an honest mistake passing the code,"

"A very FATAL mistake." America grumbles, "Why even use codes? Why not just text it to each other to avoid any miscommunications?"

"Everyone's cellphones are under surveillance, your encrypted messages can also be used against you in court." Macau explains as the two walk side by side, "Not to mention, your messages or pictures never truly vanish. Just because they are deleted from your device does not mean they are deleted altogether."

"Oh shit, you're not joking?" America says, "Dang, I sent so many nudes to my exes. Hate to know those are permanent."

"We're cautious when it comes to certain operations. That's why we created our language and communicate in codes."


As the trio arrives at the end of the hall, Macau pushes open the ginormous door and she lets the two countries inside. It was an office with high ceilings, a large golden chandelier, and in the middle of the room, a desk and an occupied office chair facing away from the door.

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