8) Settle In

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The City That Never Sleeps, Las Vegas.

Internationally renowned for its world-class entertainment, gambling, parties, and astoundingly insane nightlife; It's a city for you to escape, to leave everything behind, to gamble your problems away.

The City Without Clocks. Vegas is always a beautiful sight to see. The streets and skyscrapers come alive at night when it's bustling with people, lights, and music. It's full of life and there is always something going on somewhere.

But perhaps the city's beautiful scenery was merely a distraction from everything that happens behind closed doors.

The city also earned the nickname Sin City, because of course it's all too good to be true, nothing's as perfect as it seems. Mobsters and mafias assimilated into the scene, bringing criminal activities, prostitution, and other shady businesses into the area, hiding behind the city's crowded nightlife.

Of course, the locals who had nothing to do with all these shady activities hated the nickname that was given to them. It seemed unfair to give such a degrading name to their hometown when it's so much more than just a so-called "sinful" city, and can you blame them?

Casinos were built as a disguise for money laundering schemes. It was baffling how easy it was to get away with crimes and any wrongdoings. But, because of this very reason, Ivory Airlines' main resort was built in that city.

It made headlines that there was an airport getting built because it allowed people internationally to visit Las Vegas directly for their vacations much easier than before. But it allowed the company to cover up the things that they're not willing to say openly to the public.

And as the saying goes; What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.


America watches from the window car, admiring the beauty this city had to offer as they drove past colorful lights and monuments. A city that never dies, cars never stop passing by the streets and the lights stay on until morning.

His eyes widen as they continue driving past replicas of iconic landmarks from around the world; the Eiffel tower, The Statue of Liberty, Egyptian Pyramids, the Statue of David, and so much more.

He turns around to see his partner who's still endlessly scrolling and reading more articles regarding the airline they'll be investigating.

"Russia, Russia, Russia–"


"Have you ever been to Vegas before?" America asks, jumping up and down from his seat, not being able to contain his excitement.

Russia shakes his head, "No, why–"

"We HAVE to visit the Las Vegas Strip!" America cuts off Russia before he could even finish his sentence, "It has the best casinos and restaurants. And it's always beautiful at nights like these."

"You've been here before?" Russia scrunches his nose and raises a brow, throwing his thumb back at the window, pointing at the blinding lights that shone through the passing casino buildings, "It's just all so... bright."

"Your eyes will adjust to it."

"I think I'll need a new prescription after this."

"I visited there a few times actually, met a lot of cute boys. I remember winning a slot machine game and I spent all of the money on expensive dates." A smile curves into his lips as he reminisces his fond old memories, "Eventually, I came home completely broke. Still had a good time though."

Russia looks skeptical at America, his eyes squinting out of confusion as he hears, "What part of coming home broke is fun?"

"My financial decisions are beyond your comprehension."

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