Chapter 37

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    The Porsche pulled over and turned off, two streets away from the community, the mottled tree shadows shone on the vicissitudes of the cement road, and there was a similar scene. Qu Yanting glanced out of the window and asked, "Where is this?" The

    driver turned his head and said, "The set, we're filming here today."

    Qu Yanting softened his heart and agreed to Lu Wen to watch the film, but didn't pay attention to the shooting announcement. Get off the car and go up the fifth and sixth steps. The entrance is similar to an ordinary storefront, with a narrow sign on the side, and the handwriting has been blurred.

    This is a small vegetable market. It has been around for a long time, and it is full of vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs and non-staple food. It is crowded and complicated, but it is complete. When Qu Yanting walked in, a mixed sound and smell came over his face.

    Group A is at the end of the second column and is getting ready.

    Qu Yanting passed one by one stalls, his heels squeaking on the washed checkered bricks, the closer he got to the end, the slower his pace, and he smelled a strong fishy smell.

    "Yanting!" Ren Shu saw him and strode towards him, "This place is shabby, why are you here!"

    Qu Yanting did not explain the reason, but said, "I haven't told you about my flight tomorrow morning.

    " Say, I’m afraid of you like this!” Ren Shu was so anxious that he brushed his hair, “I’ll change the show, I’ll see you off in the evening, and I’ll take you to the airport tomorrow morning.”

    Qu Yanting shook his head: “Do what you should do, busy Yours."

    While speaking, Qu Yanting swept over Ren Shu's shoulders and swept towards the crowd. The outermost circle was filled with odd jobs, and inside were the photography team, the lighting engineer, and the make-up teacher in red standing on tiptoe, touching up the male protagonist's makeup. .

    The powder puff was slapped softly on the face, and Lu Wen's eyes were also soft. He saw Qu Yanting as soon as he appeared, and he didn't look away.

    I sent such a message carelessly last night, but I didn't expect Qu Yanting to agree to it. When I flipped through the filming notice this morning, Lu Wen regretted it all.

    The fish stand rented by the film crew was filming the scene of Ye Shan selling fish and killing fish today.

    After finishing his makeup, Lu Wen walked through the crowd. He felt sorry that Qu Yanting didn't touch fish and shrimps, and staying here was suffering. But Qu Yanting came for him, and he couldn't help but jump for joy.

    Putting his hand into his pocket, Lu Wen stopped in front of Qu Yanting, took out a box of mints at the same time, poured two of them himself, and stuffed the rest of the box to the other party: "Mr. "

    Qu Yanting caught it: "Did you do it on purpose?"

    "No." Lu Wen explained, "What happened last night, I don't remember what to shoot. I just wanted you to come..."

    Mint The sugar melted slightly on the tip of the tongue, as cool as ice, Qu Yanting opened his mouth a little and took a deep breath. He means what he says, even if the environment is not good, he will finish the scene.

    Lu Wen asked, "When are you leaving?"

    "Tomorrow morning." Qu Yanting replied.

    Lu Wen should not be ambiguous: "What time is it?"

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