Chapter 113

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    The official Weibo of the movie "Hiding" posted a group photo of the finale, with the pier and the coast in the background. In the photo, everyone was so excited that they held up their props.

    Ren Shu held the horn, the lighting master held the black flag, Lu Wen looked like a bandit, holding the gun that Meng Chuntai used to commit suicide, and Qu Yanting stood next to him, holding the last stack of storyboard scripts.

    A large group of people cheered under the blue sea and blue sky. After nearly a year of filming, they got along with each other day and night, sharing joys and sorrows. The team formed after overcoming difficulties has formed a tight team.

    Before boarding the plane, Lu Wen posted a Weibo, just two simple words: go home.

    The post-shooting task was heavy, he hadn't had a bubble for three months, and the fans were crazy, so there were tens of thousands of comments on Weibo in an instant.

    Lu Wen slowly swiped the screen, getting used to fans calling him messy, such as brother, baby, son, husband, and those who went after other stars during his filming and came back to call him "ex-husband remarried".

    ——Finally the filming is over, I doubt the contract of sale that Lu Wen signed for Qu Yanting.

    Sliding to this one, Lu Wen immediately showed it to Qu Yanting. When he looked up, Qu Yanting was on the sofa next to him holding a backpack, with his chin resting on the bag, sleeping in a daze.

    Doing so many jobs while studying, and dozed off when participating in group activities, isn't that the way it is?

    Lu Wen fantasized about it, when Ren Shu approached him, and said very annoyingly: "Freshman sports meeting, I participated in long-distance running, asked him to bring me clothes, water bottles, etc., he sat on the playground and dozed off in front of the whole school, guess what? "

    Hey, Director Ren, tell me quickly!"

    Ren Shu said: "Many girls took pictures of him, and it was spread all over the school forum that day."

    Zeng Zhen's old bastard also said that many girls peeped at Qu Yanting during class, it seems that they are all Really... Lu Wen asked angrily: "Are there a lot of people chasing Mr. Qu?"

    Ren Shu replied: "Don't worry, I can't catch up with you. He doesn't accept gifts, and his writing is not as good as writing love letters. If you want to date, he will go to work after class and you can't even catch him."

    Lu Wen felt a little more relaxed. Son, but he wasn't the one who knew Qu Yanting's past so well, so he was still a little jealous, and the conversation suddenly changed: "Director Ren, why aren't you married yet?"

    Ren Shu reacted: "Boy, do you have to worry about whether I get married or not? You Didn't it end?"

    "Damn, I..." The hero was sad about the beauty pass, and the two hundred and five were afraid of aggressive tactics, Lu Wenlian said, "Ha, you must come and throw you a bouquet when I get married!"

    Ren Shuyi Dazed: "Damn, which one of you threw it?"

    Qu Yanting was woken up by them, and threw the backpack on Lu Wen in displeasure, just in time to get on the plane, and left with a yawn. Lu Wen chased after him and asked, "School grass, have you had enough sleep?"    

 Qu Yanting said, "Are you sick again?" Besides you, who else can I control?"

The  whole group boarded the plane, and the plane taxied to take off, Guangdong became smaller and smaller, and then was covered by clouds. Qu Yanting is like an overrunning machine, after finishing her work, she just wants to lie down peacefully.   

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