Chapter 71

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    Qu Yanting didn't close his eyes all night.

    When he was young, he was haunted by nightmares, recorded dreams, stared in a daze under the vines, and spent countless nights with his eyes open, so he has a lot of experience in dealing with insomnia.

    I watched a movie in the first half of the night, played Lego in the second half of the night, and then sat on the bed listening to the wind outside the window. As dawn approached, the dark clouds were blown away, and Qu Yanting finally closed her eyes in a dazed state.

    He rested for about half an hour, got up to take a shower, changed clothes, and packed the things he brought to work as usual. I didn't have an appetite for breakfast, so I just made a bowl of cat rice for Commander Huang.

    Qu Yanting squatted in front of the rice bowl, bent his index finger and scratched Commander Huang's head, and asked, "Is it delicious?"

    Usually Commander Huang just focused on eating and ignored him at all, but perhaps his voice was so hoarse today, Commander Huang looked at him curiously. With a glance, "meow" in his throat.

    Qu Yanting asked a cat for help: "What should I do?"

    Commander Huang didn't respond. He stroked the back of the cat's neck and said, "He has a schedule during the day, so I will probably go to him at night and come back later."

    Qu Yanting Standing up: "Wish me good luck." The

    street is not too congested, and Qu Yanting usually likes to drive quietly. Today, he opened the loop of the music single "The Heart Is Too Soft". Friction on the steering wheel.

    He stopped within the white line at the intersection, his eyes were tired, and the red light blurred a circle of fur in his vision, like the spider web-like bloodshot spreading on his white eyeballs.

    He lowered his head, unlocked the phone, and dialed Lu Wen's number.

    Qu Yanting thought this way. During the short interval of waiting for the red light, even if he couldn't get through, he wouldn't be too disappointed. As he expected, the familiar female voice said, "The user you dialed has turned off the phone."

    With a bang, Lu Wen put his phone down on the placemat and sat down with his back to the window, with the sun shining on his shoulders from behind. He raised his hands and rubbed them along the corner of his jaw to his forehead from bottom to top.

    The dark circles under the eyes were quite conspicuous, and Sister Lingling exclaimed: "Are you staying up late again?"

    Lu Wen didn't sleep at all. After chatting with the little writer last night, not only his relationship problems were not resolved, but he was also worried about the other party, which made him even more depressed.

    After playing the game all night, he was hungry, glanced at the freshly baked buns, and said critically: "I don't want to eat this, let me have a bowl of shrimp wontons."

    Sister Lingling went to order the kitchen to prepare them, and said, "Eat two bites first. Cushion."

    Lu Wen randomly picked a piece and was eating when Lu Zhanqing came over fully dressed and sat down on the other side of the table. The father and son have had zero communication recently, using each other as air.

    Lu Wen slowed down his chewing speed, and suddenly remembered the passage written by the little writer of Social Horror. Parents, family affection, and things he likes can't be grasped... He has it but doesn't cherish it. He seems a bit of a jerk.

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