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(in kids section)

"So Greyson, how old are you?"

"I turned 6 a few weeks ago!"

"Wow! Happy late birthday!"

"Thanks! And happy real birthday!"

For some reason, my cheeks get all hot. "Thankssss."

"So what school do you go to Allie?"

"School? Oh school! Yeah I don't go to school. But mommy and daddy say I'm going next year."

"Most of the kids here all go to the same school as me so maybe you'll go there too."

"Probably. My mommy said that we'd be seeing a lot of each other."

"My mom said the same thing! You're 2 years younger than me so you'll be in, kindergarten. I was there last year so I'm in first grade now."

"Actually Grey, wait can I call you that?" He nods and I smile. "Mommy and daddy say that I have to take some sort of test. They think I'm smart." I say with pride.

"Maybe we'll be together!"

"Yes! Do you want to be my friend Grey?"

"Sure! Do you want to meet some of my friends?"

"Are they nice?"

"Yeah. But Elizabeth is Zach's girlfriend so don't get any ideas. She says they're gonna get married."


"Yeah! I know! Love is gross!"

"Yeah. I only like it in princess movies."

"Of course you like princess movies."

"What else would I like?"

"Paw Patrol."

"What's that?"

"You've never watched it! Our first play date is watching it."

"Only if you watch an episode of Sofia."

"Deal." And we fist bump. "Ok Allie, let's go!"

We walk over to where some kids are sitting: 2 boys, 1 girl.

One boy has black hair and green eyes. The other boy has brown hair brown eyes. The girl also had brown hair and brown eyes but she has little freckles on her nose. 

"Guys, this is Allie."

"Hiiiiii!" The girl says who I assume is Elizabeth. "I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Ellie! Let's be friends!"


"This is my boyfriend, Zach." The boy with green eyes waves.

"Hey Allie!"

"And this is Ellie's brother Evan." Greyson says motioning to the last boy.

He comes up to me and hugs me.

"It's nice to meet you Allie. You're dress is very pretty." He says and my cheeks get all hot again.

"Hi! So you all go to school with Grey?"

"Yeah! School is boring though." Ellie says.


"Bye boys! Bye Zachy!" Ellie grabs my hand and we run away.

"Where are we going Ellie?"

"Now that you're my best friend, I want you to meet some other girls that I'm friends with. Everyone in school thinks they're really cool, but I think you're cooler though." I giggle.

We approach 3 girls who are sitting one of the couches. 2 are drinking juice and one is sucking on a lollipop.

"Hey guys!" Ellie says.

"Oh, there you are Ellie." One of the girls with juice says.

"We were just about to get you." The girl with the lollipop adds.

"I see you've brought the birthday girl." The other juice girl says. They hop off the couch. "My name is Eloise, and that's Claire and that's Grace."

Eloise has blonde hair and brown eyes. Claire has brown hair and hazel eyes. And Grace has black hair and dark eyes.

"Hi! My name is Alina but you can call me Allie."

"Yes, I'm aware. Lovely to make your acquaintance." Eloise says. Um, what? She sounds like an old lady. I don't even know what those big words mean.

"She always asks really fancy for some reason." Ellie whispers in my ear.

"I like your dresses!" I say. Grace smiles and Claire is about to speak but Eloise beats her to it.

"Aw, I know. Daddy got it made just for me!"

"Really? Same! My daddy told me he got this material imported from some special place in Asia." For some reason Eloise looks annoyed.

"My Grandparents used to live there! Have you ever gone?" Grace asks.

"Not yet. Let's go together! My grandma makes the best food too!"

"Grace, I was going to talk. Mother says that's not very polite."

"Sorry Eloise."

"I'll talk to my mommy to set up a play date." I whisper in Grace's ear. She giggles and nods.

"So Alina,"

"You can use Allie."

"Alina," she emphasizes, "when will you be attending school with us?"

"I don't know. I have to take a test to see what grade I'll be in."

"So you're smart?"

"I guess. Mommy and daddy think my language abilities are pretty impressive for our age."

"What can you speak?" Eloise asks. "I'm learning Spanish and French." She says with a smug look.

"Eloise, knowing hola and bonjour doesn't count. We all know that." Ellie says.


"I can speak. English, Russian, Italian and Japanese. I'm also learning French and Spanish but I know more than 'hello'." I say with a small laugh.

"あなたは日本語を話せますか?" Grace says
*You speak Japanese?

*You too!?

"English please. I don't understand what you're saying." Eloise says annoyed. She seems sensitive.

*Don't listen to her. She's always like that.

"Sorry Eloise. 私は悪いと思わない." I say with a giggle.
*I'm not sorry.

Grace laughs too. I like her.

"What sport do you do?" Claire asks. "I do soccer."

"Nothing yet, but my mommy wants me to start ballet soon. I'm really excited!"

"I do ballet too!" Ellie says. "Let's do it at the same place!"


"I'm an equestrian." Eloise says.

"Like in My Little Pony?" I ask.

"Wha- no! I ride horses."

"Ohhhhh." She'd be cooler if she was from my little pony for sure.


I know the update is kind of trash. I didn't know what to do.

Anyway, how did I do on kindergarten bitch???

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