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Dmitri, that fucking bastard. He claims to love Alina when all he does is manipulate and emotionally abuse her. She cried herself to sleep last night after his visit.

Alina is improving so much though, such a smart girl. She puts the pieces of my stories and her fading memories together to keep them alive. She asked for her "Nonna's pasta" while she ate her meal just the other day.
The headphones they put on her are strong and a vital component of the process. To counter it, I slip pieces of cotton into her ears once they leave the room. It looks as if I'm fixing her hair from the back and the cameras can't see anything more. She can still hear the recording but it's weak and she doesn't pick up on the softer bits.

As much as I hate to see it, when her brothers harm her it helps her remember her time back in her basement prison which her real family saved her from.

I hope they come soon. She needs them now more than ever.

I believe my actions are a part of Alina's weakened state. Because of her slow progress she receives more shots. Without my interference the process would've been complete a while ago. But this is the only way to save her from the Ivanovs' permanent hold over her until the Lombardis arrive.

A beeping device in my pocket alerts me of people approaching. I dropped sensors into the antechamber upon my entry to this prison which has saved me and Alina quite a bit.

Alexei and Dmitri soon enter with Kuznetsov in toe. As soon as Alina saw him, she hid behind my leg. She refused to come out until I was physically pushed out of the way by Dmitri and he picked her up, kicking her feet in an attempt to escape the inevitable shot.

I was dismissed to my room as Alina kept calling out for me. She knew I had to leave but hated it all the same.

Now, I stare out my tiny window that I was only given so I wouldn't go crazy.
Slowly, I lie back into my mattress releasing a deep sigh. I stare up at the blank ceiling, the wails of Alina in the background. I feel useless.
Just then, my light begins to flicker. However, it's not a weak flicker. In fact, its short moments of light and darkness become more and defined as the pattern continues.

Morse Code.

It's the Lombardis.

I can hear Alina's screams from the other room, I doubt Alexei and Dmitri notice the pattern if it's going off in there too.

I look at the light, writing down the letters and connecting the dots of the message being sent:

No visual.



It's impossible to hack into the cameras and microphones from the other side without inside assistance. The only way to get in contact with the outside world from in here would be through the cameras. I need to get them there.
There's no form of technology I could use to hack into the system besides a useless device I was given to control the thermostat and lights of the room.

You'd think they'd trust me more after all I've done for them.

Ungrateful little cunts.

I need to find a way to reach the Lombardis without asking for anything new. I swear to god even if I ask for a new set of markers for Alina they get suspicious.


The Lombardis reached me through light. I'll reach them the same way.

Once a month they receive a new video of Alina. November just began, a new one should be filmed soon. That'll be my chance.

In the background the lights will flicker ever so slightly and I pray that the Lombardis catch the message and it slips past the Ivanovs.

But how can they access the system's cameras?

Then it hits me.

I was given a baby monitor sort of thing that would wake me of anything abnormal she does when I'm not with her at night. It hasn't been put to use yet, but now it has a purpose.

I'll tell them about the baby monitor and we'll communicate from there through Morse code. I'll give them all the information they need to gain access to it during this month's video. The monitor is not part of the room's system, meaning the Ivanovs have no way to access it so the Lombardis will be able to slip in undetected.

I search through my drawers and pull out the remote and the corresponding screen and press the power button. The screen comes to life and I see Alexei and Dmitri.
I see Alina's limp body in her eldest brother's arms. He holds her close to his chest.
I also notice Kuznetsov is now gone.

Good. He creeps me out.

"Anastasia!" Alexei calls.

"Yes, sir?" I ask, walking into the room

"We are going to record her today. She got her shot and we gave her some sleeping pills so she'll be out for a while." He explains.

Holy shit.

My plan came together real quick.
It's the first time luck has ever been on my side.

"How would you like her?"

"Exaggerate my hand mark on her cheek. Make it look more bruised and all." Dmitri says.

"Then tuck her into bed. After that you are dismissed." Alexei orders.

"Yes, sirs."

I get to work on her cheek. It's looking much better after I applied ointment but it still really bothers her.

Once I finish the makeup and tuck her in to their liking, I return to my room. I watch the monitor like a hawk with the light controlling device in hand.

"I have the recording of our conversation after I slapped her. They'll hear every word, every whimper, every cry." Dmitri says to his brother. I'd love to smack his smirk right off his face.

I see them set up the camera and press record.

"Hello Lombardis. It's been a while."

I begin to create the code. If they slow it down enough, it can be seen clear as day.

Please notice.

"You see this mark on her cheek? She managed to remember you and paid the price for it."

I continue my mission, blocking out their message. I can't be distracted by the bullshit that falls out of their mouths.

"Don't worry. She won't know you for much longer."

Keep talking. Come on I'm almost done you bastards.

"Don't try looking for her, or she'll get much worse than this. Stay away, for good."


It's all up to the Lombardis from here.


Ummmmm, double update like HELLO

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