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"Mommy, can we go now?" I say, adjusting the neck of my uniform.

It's really nothing special. It consists of a black sweater with a tiny version of the school's crest embroidered in the top corner. Under that, there's a white button-up shirt with the collar folded over the neckline of the sweater. The rest of the uniform is a simple pleated dark grey skirt that ends a bit above my knee, black socks, and black loafers. Mommy got me Prada ones, she seems to like that place a lot. She also got me a 'My Little Pony' Moschino backpack that I really like!

Of course, I have my locket on and my pink earrings too. My hair is in a ponytail with a ribbon. It's getting super long, I feel like Rapunzel! I think I'll have to cut it soon, I've never gotten a haircut before.

"Sorry sweetheart, just a few more. Now show me that beautiful smile!"

"Mommy!" I whine.

"So you don't want pictures with us?" Manny asks, acting hurt.

"How could you do this to us?" Lulu adds.

"Sandy, Lulu, Mimi, Nico, Manny, we've already taken so many. We'll take more later! My cheeks hurt!" I say with a pout, but they just laugh at me. I'm cute I get it.

We've been taking pictures for forever! It's my first day of school and I really just want to get there already and see Grey and Ellie and everyone else.

"Ok ok, move aside boys. Let me get some pictures with my little girl." Daddy says, throwing me in the air and catching me in his arms.

"Daddy!" I yell with a giggle. "I thought you left for work."

"How could I miss my beautiful girl's first day of school?"

Mommy takes 'a few' more pictures before we really have to get going. Mommy and Daddy are going to take me much to my brothers' dismay.

My brothers all wish me luck with a bunch of hugs and kisses before we enter the elevator to go garage.

The driver waits near the car and opens the door for the 3 of us.

"How are you feeling baby?" Mommy asks me.

"A little worried, but I'm excited too!"

"Don't be worried, they'll all love you. We also made sure you'll be in the same class as all your friends." Daddy explains.

"I hope people won't think I'm a baby cause I'm 2 years younger than most of them."

"Don't worry about it. Many special and talented kids like you have attended there. It's a trait to be admired. And if they do make fun of it, take it as a compliment, they're just jealous of how smart and beautiful my princess is."

"Ok, Daddy." I'm still a little worried though, but he doesn't have to know that.

We eventually reach the gates of the school which opens immediately upon sight of our car. The security guards give a respectful nod to the car which my father returns. I try to mimic Daddy, but he and Mommy just laugh.

We pull up to the main entrance and I recognize the 2 people waiting there from when I was tested at home.
It's the dean, Dr. Langley, and the nice lady Esther. I forgot what she does but she gave me chocolate after my test so she's perfect in my opinion.

"Welcome back to the elementary section of Temere Nomen." Dr. Langley says to my parents while shaking Daddy's hand.

"Good morning Ms. Alina. Are you excited?" He asks, turning to me.

"Yes!" I say with a big smile.

"Hi, Alina. I'm going to take you to class while Dr. Langley talks with your parents for a bit. Is that ok?" Esther tells me. I nod and run into Mommy's awaiting arms.

"Bye Mommy!"

"Good luck sweetheart. I love you so much. You'll do wonderfully." She says with a big hug and kisses my cheeks a ton which makes me giggle.

Daddy then takes me from her.

"I love you so much, my princess. I'm so proud of you, ok?" I nod. "You'll do amazing and all your friends are so excited to see you. I'll see you in a few hours. Don't miss me so much." I laugh.

"Ok, daddy."

"Show them who's boss, my love. What are you?"

"A Lombardi."

"Darn right you are. Now go get 'em." He says with one last hug and kiss. Then I hear the click of mommy's camera, again.

I follow Esther into the school while she explains some things to me. We eventually arrive at a door which is my new classroom.

Esther opens the door and all the kids are sitting at tables talking while the teacher sits at her desk typing some stuff into her computer.

The teacher notices us quickly and gets up to join us in the hallway.

"Hello, my name is Mrs. Ellis. What's your name sweetie?"

"I'm Alina, but you can me Allie."

"Ok, Allie. I understand you're a very smart girl." I blush and giggle a bit which makes her smile. "Are you ready to meet the class?"

"Yup," I say confidently. Sandy says confidence is everything.

Mrs. Ellis smiles again and reenters the classroom.

A few seconds later Esther and I enter and the classroom goes silent.

"Good morning everyone."

"Good morning Dr. Katz." The class responds in unison. I can see all my friends have big smiles on their faces in the back. Ellie looks like she's literally gonna jump out of her seat.

"I'd like you all to meet our newest student. I expect you all to welcome her with open arms and kind smiles." Esth- I mean, Dr. Katz says. With that, she leaves and Mrs. Ellis comes up to me.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class." I nod.

"Hello. My name is Alina Lombardi, but you can call me Allie. I'm 4 years old anddddd, yeah that's it. Oh, and I like waffles a lot."

After everyone goes around and introduces themselves one by one, I take the empty seat in between Ellie and Grey. Ellie moves her backpack as I approach so I assume she was saving it for me. Evan and Zach are also sitting at that table. I see Eloise, Claire, and Grace at another. I give a little wave and smile to them, but only Grace and Claire send one back.

"Allieeee! You're finally here!" Ellie squeals and hugs me as I arrive at the table.

"I know I'm so excited! I'm a little worried though."

"Why?" Zach asks.

"What if people make fun of me cause I'm younger?"

"Don't worry about that, you have us," Evan reassures with a smile.

"Yeah! I'll deal with anyone that hurts your feelings, Allie. Just tell me who and you can count on me."

"Ok, Grey," I say with a giggle.

Mrs. Ellis soon begins the lesson, math. I've never seen it done this way though. It's so complicated.

Besides the dumb way of doing math, I'm really excited for school.


I'm backkkkkkkkk!!!!

It's finally over! I'm free!

I passed the midterm and Nationals was a big success.

Updates are definitely going to be more frequent as I literally have no idea what to do with my life right now.

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