This is just the start.

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Wednesdays POV: As I walk through the gates I see Enid staring with scratches covering her with blood and dirt all over her she starts rushing to me and wraps her arms around me without consent I push her off of me slightly and look in her eyes I see she is on the verge of tears so I give in. I feel her cold body wrap around me, her hands grip on my back tighter.I wrap my hands around her burrowing my face in her neck.

'I thought you were gone Wends' Enid said whispering in my ear with a raspy voice.

'Never Sinclair, I won't ever leave' I said whispering back to her.

Xavier starts running towards me and Enid and a crowd follows him. I let go of Enid softly and she grabs my wrist and doesn't let go a police car pulls to us and Sheriff Galpin gets out the car he looks devastated with dark rings under his eyes he pulls his hat off and puts it on his chest.

'How about you guys go get rest' Sheriff Galpin said to the crowd.

'Where is Principal Weems' a kid shouts to the Sherif.

Enid looks at me so I can tell them what happened I'm sure she doesn't want to.

'Principal Weems has passed. Thornhill killed her' I said looking down.

I look back up and everyone is either crying or has their hand over their mouth due to shock. I look up at Enid and see that her eyes are dropped to the point it looks like her eyes are closed. She has a very "I'm done with life" expression. I put my arm around her shoulder to comfort her she looks at me confused, trust me I am just as confused I don't know what I am doing.

Before Sheriff Galpin speaks he widens his eyes and they start to water he fixes his voice and says.

'I will contact everyone's parents so you can get home safe. Now go to your dorms and get some rest. Not you Addams I need to speak with you"

I walk over to him with Enid basically attached to me with glue.

'I'm sorry I didn't believe you Addams I also apologize that I put your boyfriend in jail"

I look at Galpin and then at Enid with a disgusted look on my face he looks confused as to what was happening.

'He is not my boyfriend and never will be' I said with a smirk because of the stupidity.

"Okay well get a good night rest you've been through a lot" Galpin said with a smug look.

I don't know why everyone in this school thinks I like Xavier even my parents do just because I saved him from a bow does not mean I want to be romantic with him I just want a platonic relationship between us. More like a acquaintance, anything that does not involve us being romantic anything.

I heard a mumble come from Enid but I couldn't quite hear it.


"I'm sorry" Enid said making eye contact with me as she looked up.

"For what?" I said confused for why she was apologizing.

"I'm sorry for leaving you when you needed me the most" I heard her sweet soft voice say.

She drops to her knees and covers her face with her hands hiding her face. I drop on my knees to help her.

"You almost died" she said sniffling and wiping her eyes.

"Hey, it's not your fault if anything it's mine and you saved me" I said trying to cheer her up hoping it would work, I never was good at this type of stuff.

As I get up and grab her wrist to help her up she smiles at me and a rush of heat rises to my body up to my face. Am I sick? I feel my face and it's not hot it's just internal heat but why?

Enids POV: it's a silent walk back to our dorms we walked side by side I look and Wednesday and it looks like she is about to cry her eyes are glossy with a pool of water sitting at the bottom of her eye lids I won't bother her about it though. She needs to let out some emotion so I ignore it because if I don't she will suck it up and never do it again. She has been through so much in just one night I feel so bad for her she is only 16 I'm 16 too but she went through so much more than me.

When we walk in the dorm Wednesday walks to her bed like she has arthritis in her back it made me giggle a little bit because she looked like a old lady.

"Go take a shower so you don't get a infection" Wednesday said looking at the floor.

"Okay" I said in a numb expression.

Wednesdays POV: a little later after Enid gets in the shower tears run down my face I couldn't control it I cover my mouth so Enid wouldn't hear me and all I hear out of now where was.


I look over with tears still on my face I realize it's Enid so I wipe my tears and jump up like nothing happened.

"Yes?" I said clearing my voice.

"Are you okay?" Enid said walking over to me.

"Yes I'm fine" i said lying through my teeth.

Enid drops her stuff and hugs me.

"Let it out wends it's okay" she whispered in my ear.

After I heard that I felt safe for some odd reason tears start rapidly racing down my face and I start rapidly breathing. I'm crying like those stupid movies enid watches, I grip Enid tighter and I say.

"Thank you for being here for me" I said in a scratchy voice.

"Your welcome wends" Enid said not letting go of me.

After we stand there for a second I let out a big breath and let go of her.

"I have to take a shower" I said not making eye contact and leaving.

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