Home sweet home

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Enids POV: after Ajax walked out looking scared and upset Wednesday walked back in and just stood in the door way.

"Snake boy left in a rush"

"In a rush?" I said confused because it didn't look like a rush to me.

"Yes he also looked frightened what happened?" Wednesday said sitting next to me.

"I don't know I told him I was moving in with you then he got upset" I said throwing my hands up.

'It's probably because your moving further away from him' Wednesday said standing and going to her side of the room.

After about 20 minutes or so Mrs. Addams opens the door looks at Wednesday and says.

'Let's go before your brother gets bored'

She looks at me as I follow Wednesday out the door and puts her hand in front of me to stop me.

'How are you Enid?'

'I'm okay!' I said exhilarating with joy.

'That's good just to let you know you can decorate your room however you want' Mrs.Addams said with a assuring smirk.

'Thank you Mrs.Addams' I said walking out the door.

Wednesday was standing there waiting for me in the hall and asked me a question.

'What did my mother want?'

'She asked if I was doing good and said I could decorate my room however I want!' I said walking in front of Wednesday while she is following me.

'Oh okay' Wednesday said in a numb expression like usual.

Wednesdays POV: as I follow the cheerful wolf to the car she sets her stuff in the trunk and waits for me to get in.

'After you m'lady' Enid said bowing down and throwing her arms towards the car I roll my eyes and get in slowly however Enid jumps in literally and sits right next to me. A small wave of heat rushes past my face it's not noticeable.

My mother takes out a family album of our family on the cover it said the Addams family. She opens it and starts showing Enid my baby pictures and when I was a toddler.

'Look at this one' mother said handing her the album.

'OMG YOUR SMILING!' Enid said in a rush of excitement and looking at me.

I look at my mother in disappointment because I absolutely hate that picture.

'It was when I got my first torturing set I was 4' I said pointing at the box I was holding.

'Oh... that makes it less cute but it's still adorable' Enid said mildly upset but still perked up.

Wednesdays POV: After about nine minutes Enid falls asleep using my legs as a pillow and curled in a ball she always sleeps like this my mother said something to make me quite irritated.

'So what's the deal with you and Xavier'

'Nothing we are acquaintance nothing more' I said in a stern voice.

'Are you more than a acquaintance with anyone else?' Mother said putting her hands in her lap.

'I suppose Enid' I said not explaining what I meant.

She looked at me with a smug smirk and I had to correct my self.

'We are friends mother or what Enid calls us "best friends" don't get the wrong idea' I said looking back out the window.

'What about that boy Eugene aren't you friends with him or did you only include Enid because you are "best friends"' mother said air quoiting.

'Yes we are friends to I just don't want to communicate at the moment' I said not making eye contact.

'Well okay then' Mother said looking back at my father.

I look at the wolf laying down on my legs and I put my hand on her head her hair is very soft and smooth I lie my hand there for the rest of the ride.

Time jump dinner Wednesdays pov: after a couple of hours it is supper time I go to Enids room and I see her sleeping I walked over to her and I gently pat her.

'Enid it's supper time' I said whispering trying not to startle her.

She slowly opens her eyes looks at me and smiles.

'Hiiii Wends!' She jumped up and yawned.

'Hello um it's supper time' I said with a giant rush if heat in my face it's a noticeable red and Enid comments on it.

'WEDNESDAY YOUR BLUSHING!!!" She said quite loudly.

'What?'I said confused because I'm not sure what blushing is.

'I didn't even touch you?!' Enid said while I still had no clues what blushing was.

'What is blushing' I said asking her.

'it can happen in an exciting situation as well, such as in the self consciousness of being physically attracted to another person'. Enid said in a very assuring voice.

'So you either are physically attracted to someone or your excited' enid said continuing to speak.

'Oh?' I said confused because I don't think I like Enid I thing we are just friends, best friends.

'Well it's supper time' I said in a asserting voice.

'Okay!' The wolf said jumping up from her bed and following me from behind.

She runs down the stairs and to the dining room and sits at the table.

'It's not that big of a meal I'm sorry' mother said sitting down.

Enid looks at me with a confused face.

'Wot' Enid said standing like a unattended three year old.

Enids POV: as I hear Mrs.Addams say it's a small dinner I look at the table and see a 5 course meal. HOW IS THIS A "SMALL" DINNER?!? There is pasta (I don't know what kind it is though) salad, soup, green beans, and HOMEMADE BREAD! I am so excited to eat this I'm still so confused as to how this is a "small" Meal.

I walk over to the table and small talk starts to happen I don't know what to do so I just sit their and eat.

'How was your day Enid?' Mr. Addams said.

I look around and pointed to myself.

'Me?' I said still looking around as if there is another Enid.

I was never asked stuff like this it was always 'stop talking you talk to much' or 'who asked' and even 'I don't care' so after I turned ten I just stopped talking.

'Yes you' Mr. Addams said in a endearing voice.

'Well uhh it was umm pretty good I guess I just sorta slept the whole day. I said choking over my words.

I look over to Wednesday and she makes eye contact with me and softened her eyes I'm happy she is starting to show more emotion I smile and then her eyes go wide and look away. hmm I don't know what that was about.

'Okay well did you sleep well?' Mr. Addams said trying to get a real response from me.

'Yeah the beds are really comfy!' I said perking up.

'Well that's good' Mrs. Addams said responding before Mr. Addams.

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