Back to trauma Pt.2

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Wednesdays POV: after Enid told me she read my journal I felt my eyes start to water and I felt hurt but not physically I feel betrayed, I'm always getting betrayed by someone but Enid?

"Why would you read my journal" I said with a hurt through trying to not cry and sound hurt.

"I thought it was a regular book. When I read the First part I was happy that you liked me back. I decided to keep reading because I thought that was it since I never seen you write in this." Enid said on the verge of tears.

"You were happy?" I said confused.

"Yes. I'm really sorry I read your journal Wednesday and I understand if you don't like me anymore" Enid started to cry with a wobbly voice.

I was about to say something but I got interrupted by mother barging through the door.

"We are leaving. What's wrong Enid?" Mother said walking over to her.

"Nothing i just don't want to go back to school" Enid said wiping her eyes off with her hands.

"You don't have to go I'll call you off" Mother said placing her hand on her back.

Enid clears her voice and looks at me and back at Mother.

"No I have to go to school I'll be fine"

"Okay well call me anytime you want" mother said letting go of her.

"Okay" Enid said with a fraud smile.

Enids POV: Wednesday looks heartbroken she trusted me with every ounce of trust she had and I broke it. Morticia left and I followed behind her with my bags I look behind me and I ask Wednesday a question.

"You coming?"

Wednesday nods her head and walks with me to the car.

I sit on the other side of the car as far always from Wednesday as i can I don't think she wants me to even make eye co text with her at the moment.

The whole car ride was silent and slow I just looked out the window the whole time with my headphones on I didn't look at anyone the whole time.

Wednesdays POV: After we get settled into our room i set my stuff down and start to unpack I look at Enid and she isn't packing this made me confused so I asked her a question.

"Why aren't you unpacking"

"I'm going to ask to be in a different dorm" Enid said avoiding eye contact.

"Why!?" I said concerned.

"Because I betrayed your trust you gave me, I don't want it to be awkward between us the entire time so it's better for me to be in a different dorm" Enid said sitting in her bed.

"That's not true" I said telling the truth.

Enid started to ramble about how much of a bad person she was and I didn't know what to do I rushed in a panic trying to calm her down.

I sat down next to her on the bed and I grabbed her face to look at mine. I graze my eyes up and down my face and place my lips on hers she puts her hand over my face and she lays down and I get on top of her and keep kissing her.

"What the actual fuck" I heard come from behind me and Enid.

I turn around and jump off of Enid and get up and walk over to Yoko who was standing in the room.

"Say this to anyone and I'll-" I get cut off by Yoko.

"I always knew to be honest I just was surprised to walk in on it" Yoko shrugged her shoulders and began to laugh.

I look over at enid and her face is velvet red her mouth is covered by her hands and her eyes are soft.

Enids POV: I'm screaming like internally but still I'm screaming I'm so happy and scared at the same time as I was looking at Wednesday as she was talking to Yoko I hear her say something.

"You good E" Yoko said with a laugh.

I get up and grab Yokos arm and walk out the door.

"You can't tell anyone you saw that we're not officially dating I'm not even out to anyone" I said demanding Yoko not tell anyone.

"Chill I won't" Yoko said drinking her blood.

"Not even D" I said with a very serious look.

"Okay I won't" Yoko said grabbing my shoulder.

"So like are you Bi or Lesbian" Yoko said letting me go.

"I think I'm Lesbian I only dated Ajax because I felt I had to to make my parents happy" I said walking back in my dorm.

"Okay well I just wanted to say hi and not see all of this so ima leave" Yoko said pointing to the hallway.

"Okay" I said opening my door.

Wednesdays POV:
"Im sorry if I came on to strong I was just trying to calm you down" I said with tears running down my face.

"Hey it's more than okay I kinda waited for that to happen for like months" Enid said with a nervous laugh.

"Oh okay" I said wiping my face off feeling much better.

"Was I the other person?" Enid said confused.

"No it was actually your mom but you'll have to do" i said sarcastically because Enid sounded stupid.

"Did you just make a your mom joke Addams?!" Enid said giggling.

"Yes I did" I said regretting my choices.

"Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?" Enid said grabbing my hand.

I was surprised that Enid was asking me and not the other way around but I was glad she did.

"Of course, can we just keep it a secret I'm not out to anyone except you" I said trying to not hurt Enids feelings.

"Oh yeah! I was going to say that to" Enid said sounding excited.

(I'm leaving your on another cliff hanger hehehehe 🤪)

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