Part 74 - Revenge...

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After returning to his class with a murderous desire, Jungkook texted Taehyung to inform him of what happened. He knew that his brothers will probably deal with Changmin and his family in a civilized way because despite what he did, he was still a 16 years old boy. But Jungkook, and Taehyung after reading the message, would not be satisfied with such a light punishment.

They met each other after classes in front of Jungkook's school. The plan was simple, use Yuna, the girl from Y/N's class who had a crush on Taehyung to attract Changmin out of his house. The two brothers could not wait a week for a possible return of the young boy to school. Even more if Jin asked his family to disappear. 

Yuna: Sunbae... I was surprised that you text me... is it because of what happened in sports' class with Y/N?

Taehyung: You are right. I need you to do something for me.

Yuna: What?

Taehyung: Contact Changmin and ask him to meet you at this place. (He handed her a piece of paper with an address.)

Yuna: What will you do to him? (She asked, worried for Changmin.)

Taehyung: Listen, just call him. (His gaze was darker, just like his tone.) I'm not asking you a favor; I am ordering you!

) I'm not asking you a favor; I am ordering you!

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Jungkook: Don't worry, you won't be in troubles... 

Yuna didn't dare go against the two scary Kim brothers. She exchanged text messages with Changmin under Taehyung strict watch, and she asked him to meet her at the given address. The young boy agreed without being suspicious of his friend.

Yuna: He is not a bad guy you know... just...

Jungkook: Just a F*** jerk! 

Yuna looked at Jungkook and his dark aura was enough to make her shut up. She considered Changmin as a friend but being in the blacklist of those two was not in her plan.

Taehyung and Jungkook left to the meeting point without even thanking the young girl. They got in Taehyung's car and after 10 minutes, they were waiting in the alley near the designate café.

After few minutes, the two brothers saw Changmin walking with his hands in his pockets. He seemed relaxed. Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged a look, ready to intercept their target. As soon as the teenager passed the corner of the alley, he was pulled with force and stuck to the wall, a forearm strongly leaning on his throat. 

Changmin: (Speaking with difficulties.) What...

Jungkook: Hello... Little Bast***... you didn't expect to see me so soon, right? But lucky you... I came to you without wasting a minute, you're happy?

Taehyung was standing at Changmin's right, and he bent a little to murmur to the young boy's ear.

Taehyung: You will regret to have touch our little sister...

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