Chapter 238

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The media was buzzing every day.

As the Korean wave, which had been strong for several years, continued unabated, the backlash from racists, especially white supremacists, is secretly expanding.

Similar things happened when Arche went on an overseas tour two years ago. It was also said that a handgun was delivered to the hotel where they were staying during an overseas tour, and death threats continued.

In fact, there were people who were arrested for dropping bombs at concerts.

However, the threat that was directed at Arche was actually made to Lit.

Bombings continued at POP-UP stores and concert halls in Paris,

Eventually, it happened that they kidnapped the leader, Lee Chan Kang.

The reporter who was chasing him reported it but missed it, and Kang I-chan had to be put at the crossroads of life and death after being imprisoned by the assailant for a week.

However, he took advantage of poor surveillance and escaped, hiding himself in a tunnel downstream of the river and evading the chase. Knowing that they missed Lee Chan Kang, the culprits immediately surrendered themselves to the French police and confessed to all of their crimes.

Kang Yi-chan, who borrowed the phone from a passer-by, passed out, leaving a message asking Arche Yunoa to pick him up.

Mina shed tears the whole time she was polishing the article.

"Lee Chan-ah. I'm sorry."

At that time, if she hadn't let go of the kidnappers, Lee Chan wouldn't have suffered this much. Sniffing her nose, Mina lifted a can of beer by her computer, and the cameraman grabbed her hand.

"Uh, I'm sorry. Editor, if you stop blaming yourself and write an article while drinking beer like that, there will be 3 trillion and 300 million typos tomorrow."

Then he snatched the beer from her hand and put it away.

"But at that time, we caught up and reported it, so the siege was narrowed that much."

Everyone says so.

Blade Entertainment also sent an official letter saying thank you.

But she was so overcome with guilt that she couldn't take that gratitude straight away.

She felt guilty for not being able to protect her beloved.

So when she heard the news that Lee Chan Kang had returned alive, she was overjoyed. So she wept even more.

It was because of the scars on Lee Chan's face in the photos taken and distributed by the paparazzi.

She scarred that precious face.

No matter how much she thought about it, then she should have caught up and punched the kidnappers in the face.

Even so, all of a sudden, the events of that day are far away like a dream.

So it was even sadder.

Mina snatched her can of beer from the cameraman's hand and emptied the can in one breath.

"Leave it, it's because I'm so happy."

Thank you so much for coming back to me.

If something had gone wrong, she had to endure the curse of 10 million filaments with poison, until she died.

"That's why I'm so glad. Kang's leader is alive."

Then she finished writing the article.

Lee-Chan Kang, the leader of LIT, managed to break through the siege of the gunmen and escape alone, and she said that he did a wonderful job reporting his survival for 10 million filaments.

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