Chapter Three

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Elliot's Pov

I woke up to a phone call from Shelly squealing about getting to keep her job.

Horton's plan backfired because he was caught on the CCTV stealing candy, soda, and popcorn during and after his shifts well before they could get to any footage on Shelly. While that proved to be good news for her, it was bad for me because Horton was sure to take his frustrations out on me that day.

On high alert, I navigated the school carefully with a plan for each step. Most of it was impromptu, but I managed to make it to lunch without either Bennett or Horton managing a look at me outside of class.

"You've been using me as a shield all day," Maude said. I could tell she was annoyed, but this was the least she could do for me.

"It's your obligation as my friend."
"All relationships are transactional," she huffed indignantly. "What do I get out of this?"
"My homework answers."

Maude was silent for a moment as we slid into our spot in the cafeteria. "Hmm, fair enough. Horton's here."

I gasped as a muddy football dropped onto my lunch, sending bits and pieces of it onto my clothes and face. Horton's laugh rang through the cafeteria that grew silent upon witnessing what he'd done, and I could feel everyone's eyes on us. It only got worse when I felt bile rise to my throat.

It was embarrassing, and I asked for none of it.

"What goes around comes around, right?" Horton said snarkily. "I could've forgiven you for reporting my mags, but you really went as far as to get me fired."

My teeth almost ground themselves to dust. I shot him a scathing look while trying to keep my tears at bay. "You got yourself fired," I said slowly. "Maybe learn to own up to your bullshit instead of picking on others about it!"
Horton's hand rested on the football before me.

"Aw," he taunted, "are you gonna cry, Ellie?"
I didn't know what came over me. It happened so fast. I got up, and my hand shot out to flip his tray of lunch, sending it upwards into his face.

Horton remained still for a moment as he processed what had happened. I was processing it as well because I couldn't believe how reflexive that was. How long had I been holding in this frustration?

There was not a sound to indicate anything as Horton's hand struck my shoulder, sending me sprawling onto the table into everyone's lunches. My back hurt. People screamed and yelled, running off as Horton descended upon me with a grip on my hair, smacking my head back against the table top. It was strong enough to send a tremor through my skull, and I felt dizzy.

"So, you do have balls, eh?" he growled as he pushed his nails into my scalp. It stung, and I screamed, kicking up my knee into his groin and sending him toppling onto his side. He groaned in pain and I quickly scrambled off the table. The back of my head and shoulders ached, and I knew I was going to have a bruised tailbone soon.

I turned around to see him crumpled, half on the table falling onto a seat.

"What is your problem!" I yelled at him. "What the fuck did I ever do to you?"
My rage was blinding. My head throbbed and my eyes were hot and watery. All I wanted at that moment was to put an end to things once and for all, but the feeling of hopelessness loomed over me because I knew fighting back wasn't going to cut it. Horton thrived off violence. It was his way of communicating with people at this point.

Horton moves slightly, and it was enough to send me scrambling for a lunch tray to defend myself with. He was a fast guy, and I could never be prepared enough. He pushed himself up to sit, gripping the edge of the seat as he gritted his teeth right at me.

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