Chapter Ten

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A/N - I really would love to get 1,000 reads on this book within the next chapter or two, I would greatly appreciate all the comments, votes and shares on this chapter as it helps with the algorithm



I bit down hard on my lip to keep from smiling. The looks on Elliot's and Maude's faces were priceless! Honestly, bickering with Elliot was the most fun I'd had since coming to London.

To say I was surprised was an understatement. I didn't realise how much a person could change, that too within a year and a half. It was crazy. Elliot looked like a brand-new person.

He was as pale and sleep-deprived looking as ever, but his hair had gotten curlier and darker. It was shiny too and it was cut well.

His new glasses brought out a gleam in his eyes no matter how dark they were. He dressed better as well, very light academia. It was cute if I was being honest. I didn't want to admit it to myself but he looked rather fit, quite like those lanky and toned love interests you'd see in a shoujo manga.

Yes, I read shoujo manga. A man's got to have unashamed interests that bring out his sensitive side.

I was actually looking forward to seeing him again. Maude was in the picture as well, but I was a little nervous about her. I wondered if she still kept in touch with Thomas.
I'd hope not.

The flyer stated that the party was at someone's own house. That meant no chaperones, which thus meant booze and drugs. It was enough to make me hesitate.
I didn't want to relapse.

My thoughts were cut short by an unfamiliar ding. It was Elliot's phone.

"Leaving for the party."
"Oh, wait, you don't have your phone lol."
"Bennett, bring Elliot's phone to the party. Thnx."

I smiled, knowing that I would not be bored when I got there.

The music travelled a good kilometre or so from the house. Only, it wasn't a house. It was a mansion.

What was with London and rich people? Could they perhaps stop wasting space by owning large houses that they only used half of?

I skipped up the steps and through the ridiculously large front garden. It was practically a minimalist park, uncreative and flat with bushes around the perimeter and a fountain smack in the middle. It seemed like there was a rave going on inside, and the intimidation was immediate. This wasn't the kind of parties I was used to and I felt out of place.

"Oi!" Someone smacked the back of my head. I was greeted with Maude's face done up in glittery make-up, her hair in two buns on either side, and chains for accessory. I had no idea how grunge Maude's aesthetic was, ripped band clothes and all. What was with her and Elliot wanting to channel the aura of death? Then again, Maude chose it, and Elliot just looked like that without trying.

She gave me a once-over with a pursed lip.

"Huh, you don't look so bad. What happened to you?"

"Wish Elliot had half of that attitude when saying such things."

"Yeah, he's still kind of a softie," she admitted and held her hand out. "His phone?"

"I had a deal with him."
"I'm sure we can negotiate the terms."
"Then where's the transactor?"
"I'm his representative."
"Transparency or nothing."

She made a face at me, but I could see the amusement. "You talk smart too now, huh? Fine, come on."


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