Chapter Seven

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A/N: Thank you so much yet again for the continued support, this chapter is a slightly longer one so I hope you enjoy!

Elliot's pov

The world was spinning, and it took a while for the pain to finally hit. The only reason I hadn't broken anything was because I dangled by my hand for a bit before falling off onto my side. Even in my pain-induced haze, I was conscious enough to realize just how much trouble I was going to be in soon.

I willed myself to get up and run, but I was suddenly lifted off the ground. It was so effortless that I thought I was flying, until the blur cleared up and I saw the red-headed guy from before yelling in my face. Spittle flying everywhere and all.

"What the fuck were you doing there?!" he demanded. "I'll report you for trespassing!"

"Hey!" someone yelled and the guy was shoved off of me. I dropped to the ground once more and groaned on impact. My day just seemed to be getting worse.

"Who the fuck is he?"
"He's Maude's friend! Let him be!"
"He was trynna break into your house!"

"Probably for his phone." I finally looked up to see Bennett had planted himself between the redhead and I. "You came to take it back to Maude, remember? Let me handle this."

"Well, make sure he didn't fucking see anything!"

With that, the guy marched off, and I was still left groaning as the pain throbbed up my arm and into my shoulder. Bennett turned to me, and I was genuinely frightened of the wrath I was about to face. Instead, he dropped to the ground and turned me onto my back worriedly, if not a little annoyed.

"Are you hurt?"

"A lot," I muttered.

"What the fuck, Elliot?" he snapped and put his arms under me. "You could've fallen on your neck and died! What would I tell our dads?"

I was lifted off the ground once more, but it was more secure. The dizziness started to subside, and I looked at Bennett in slight awe. Just what did he think he was doing?

"Bennett, I can walk."

"Can you now?" he growled and set me down. I'd misunderstood my condition, and my ankle rolled immediately. Bennett was there to catch me once more, lifting me close to his chest.

Holy fuckin shit, I couldn't believe what was happening. Bennett Harris was carrying me like I was some...damsel in distress or something.

This was humiliating!

"Where are we going?" I asked, but he broke into a sprint and I was forced to throw my arms around him, fearing that he'd drop me. But he was so strong and warm. I never knew how firm his body was. It made me a little jealous, and I tried to not press up against him too much in case he got the wrong idea.

It's not like I wanted to feel him up, but he did feel very nice to hold. At least it distracted me from the pain a little bit, but I could only take so much. It stung in my joints, and the tears were starting to fall.

Two minutes had gone by, and he finally slowed down before the community hospital. He jogged towards the ER, where a doctor sipping on her coffee saw us immediately.
"He fell off a tree," Bennett explained breathlessly. "Probably sprained his ankle, I don't know, just–"

"This way, quick," she said and guided him inside briskly. I couldn't see much through the tears and the smell of the hospital–
Oh God, no...

My heart was now panicking, ramming against my chest and begging to be let out. I couldn't breathe as my throat constricted, and the passing of lights reminded me of when mum was being wheeled off into emergency.

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