Chapter 3:

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I pulled air into my aching lungs... bad idea. Water rushed down my throat and began to fill my airways. I was about to die. I forced myself upright and began to choke.

Someone tapped my back and I heard them speak but I was too busy trying to not suffocate to respond. After a short but excruciating eternity, I finally caught my breath. Why the hell was I asleep underwater?!

"Cleopatra, my dear?" a gentle voice called out to me and I whipped my head around to come face to face with an unknown man. A very close unknown man.

A squeak escaped my throat, still too raw from the choking to scream. I pushed myself away from the man, who in turn gave me a concerned look.

"Cleopatra, are you alright?" the elder man's voice was gruff but there was a gentleness to it, yet not enough to mask the mischievousness of his character.

The scowl on my face deepened as my mouth moved in a way that felt foreign and an unfamiliar voice filled my ears. That was not my voice. That was not my language. And yet, somehow I understood every word perfectly as I spoke.

"All is well, Julius."

I couldn't help the surprise on my face as my body relaxed. It recognized the man even though I didn't–

Wait... Julius?! I glanced back at the man once more and scanned his face which was in a permanent blush until my eyes locked with his light blue ones.

No, no, no. This was impossible. It was a dream, right? In a couple of minutes, I was going to wake up and find myself back in my room with Marcus on the bed opposite mine as we shared a bottle of wine.

Eventually, the seconds turned to minutes, and the concern on Julius's face didn't leave as I internally screamed. This wasn't possible. Octavian had really sent me into the past.

I looked around the room to find myself in a Thermae-like room, but it was smaller and more private than the ones I had seen online. I glanced down at myself and became increasingly aware that I was naked. My face began to heat to the point it mirrored the blush of the man with me.

"Cleopatra?" he asked again this time reaching out to me. I tensed up as he took my hand and I didn't dare look down at him.

Suddenly my eyes snapped back to his. He had called me Cleopatra. I had called him Julius.

I glanced down at my hand in his, the calloused tanned skin was not mine.

Octavian's voice echoed at the back of my mind.

Marcus told me you're having trouble with that history assignment of yours. How about I help you with that?

My eyes widened as Julius moved closer and felt my forehead. Oh no. I had to say something now before the old guy got any closer.

"I am well, um, Julius. I may have relaxed a bit more than necessary."

His face visibly softened and a smirk overtook his features as his eyes flashed. I internally sighed with relief that he'd bought it.

"You had me worried there, beloved. More wine?" He lifted his hand up before I could decline his offer and a servant dressed in a toga appeared out of the shadows to refill my cup. I tried not to shiver as I subtly covered my chest with my arms and sank lower into the bath. Julius raised his cup and took a sip giving an expectant look between me and the cup beside me. I smiled awkwardly as I lifted it to my lips.

"Bibemultisannis!" I said as my brain automatically translated it to Drink for many years!

It seems like the real Cleopatra still held some influence.

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