Chapter 21:

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Marcus P.O.V

I hid behind a pillar near the party hall as Brutus ran past. He stopped to look around and I quickly hid on the other side of the pillar. This was not good.

I needed to get to Thea and Gaius before Brutus did.

I sighed as Brutus's shoulder sagged and he swore, kicking the ground.

I couldn't help but be surprised. That was the most expressive and animated I had ever seen him.

Even me! Brutus never shows his emotions unless we are on the battlefield, Antony said bemused. Before I could get another thought in, I saw Thea and Julius walking towards the party and I was taken aback.

What in hell is going on?!

I quickly looked back at Brutus and he had stopped his search his eyes zoned in on Thea and Julius... well Gaius.

He narrowed his eyes and then they lit up with relief. He quickly turned and started moving towards them as they entered the party hall.

"God damnit!" I clenched my hands in frustration as he ran after them. I had to stop him or this would turn ugly. I couldn't think of a plan as panic washed over me and I started to hyperventilate. Usually, Thea was the one who calmed me down but there was no way to call her now. My breathing turned into ragged, deep breaths until my hand slap me.

I yelped in pain as I held my cheek from the unexpected sting.

Pull yourself together, boy! Antony said and I felt my body detach from the pillar and chase after Brutus. I silently thanked him for snapping me out of it.

I saw Brutus hesitate at the door, craning his neck to see the party and probably track down Julius. I forced my legs to go even faster as Brutus stepped into the party.


I hid at the door and suddenly realised there were no guards. There was when Brutus was here just a minute ago. I looked down the corridor watching them leave. Brutus had dismissed the guards.

My heart dropped. Wait, the guards were talking about how today was ides of March. They had all been dismissed and given leave.

It was the 15th, wasn't it?

What happens on the 15th? Antony demanded.

"Brutus killed Julius Caesar on the 15th of March 44 BCE."

I felt Antony go silent as panic and adrenaline flowed through my veins again. The senator's eyes were sneaking glances at Brutus. I watched as he subtly placed his hand on the dagger tucked away in its scabbard. You've got to be kidding me.

You know if anyone was going to kill Julius I thought it would be me or Longinus. Not Brutus. He loves the decrepit fool. Then again, I truly love Caesar to so I would never actually kill him. The only reason one would have to do so is to take his place and, personally, his position is not a burden I wish to possess. Brutus though would love to be in Julius's position. Now that I think about it, it's starting to make a lot more sense. They barely get along.

I froze.

"Wait, what?"

Antony laughed. You did not know. I'd thought about this several times before. Also, everything you've seen has been a facade of a relationship they have. Brutus and Julius argue all the time. In fact, there are a lot of people who want him dead, including me to an extent but not for the same reason as everyone else. They're all wrong.

My jaw dropped. "But he's your friend".

He tried to use the woman I love against me, as his spy of all things, Antony said sadly. He tsked and I scoffed as I felt him shrug. I said I wouldn't kill him.

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