The Ending

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"She's waking up!"

I open my eyes to see three blurry faces staring down at me.

"(Y/n)! You're alive!"

"Unfortunately," I mumble.

I blink a few times, my vision finally clears and I see that the faces were Enola, my mom, and a random guy.

"Who's the guy?" I ask.

I slowly sit up, wincing in pain.

"I'm Doctor Harrison," the man says.

I rub my eyes and look around the room. Yep, this is definitely a hospital.

"You got lucky, had the man stabbed an inch to the left, you would've lost your leg."

I turn back to the doctor and nod, "Cool, now when can I get out of here?"

"You've been unconscious for a week, so you'll have to stay at least a few more hours-"

"A week?!" I yell before coughing.

My mom pats me back softly and Enola smiles, "You didn't miss much."

The doctor leaves the room and I hug my mom. She hugs me tight, "I thought I lost you."

"You'll never get rid of me."

She pulls away and wipes her eyes, "I'm gonna go get you a cup of tea."

She leaves the room and I turn to Enola, "Now catch me up on things.

She sits at the end of my bed and takes a deep breath. "It was the secretary, Miss Troy. She was also the one Sherlock was chasing."

I let out a sigh, "I knew she was sketchy."

"Yeah, but Lord McIntyre burnt all of the papers. However, Bessie, Sarah, and I led all of the match girls in a strike. So, the match factory will be shutting down soon."

"That's amazing!"

I frown sadly, "Sorry, I wasn't there to help."

"It wasn't anything special, just a long walk," Enola says with a laugh.

A knock on the door interrupts us, I look up to see Sherlock standing in the door frame. His blue eyes stare right at me.

Enola winks at me before getting up and walking out of the room, bumping into Sherlock on the way out.

"Are you just gonna stand there and stare like a creep?" I ask.

He walks closer, his eyes darting around the room. "You're alive."

I raise an eyebrow, "Yeah, no shit-"

"Sherlock," he finishes with a smirk.

"So how's life?" I ask awkwardly.

He sits in the chair next to my bed, "Annoying. Enola got me a flatmate without me knowing."

"And how are they?"

He stares at his hands, "He's fine. His name is Doctor Watson."

"Oohh, fancy."

Sherlock nods, "Enola's missed you very much. She's been even more unruly without you."

"Ah, yes. The world is a bit dimmer without my bright personality."

He shakes his head, "I don't know about dimmer, but it's definitely different."

My mom and Enola walk back in and Sherlock quickly jumps up and leaves.

"He doesn't talk very much," my mother says.

"Sherlock Holmes is a man of very few words," I reply.

Enola sits by my feet, "You should've seen him after you passed out. I've never seen him look so worried before, not even the time I got stabbed!"

"Yeah right, I'm sure he was happy to have a short break from me," I say laughing.

"Are you kidding me? He was miserable! A complete train wreck! I just feel sorry that Doctor Watson had to meet him like that."

Sherlock Holmes actually being worried about me; an American author with a big mouth? I don't believe it.


Two weeks later....

"Today's paper," I say, handing the paper to Edith.

She nods and I make my way to Enola who is in our office.

Oh, right! You must be confused as I haven't said where our office is yet! Well, Edith offered us a room in her building. So, of course we accepted.

Now back to what I was doing....

I make my way to our shared office, and as I was walking my eyes were focused on the paper in my hands.

"Today's paper!" I yell walking in the office.

However, I'm stopped by the person's back I just ran into.

Broad shoulders, and a wool coat....

"Good morning, Sherlock," I say, rubbing my now sore nose.

He turns to me, "Do you not look where you're going?"

"It ruins the surprise."

He turns back to Enola, "So are you free then?"

I set the paper's on Enola's desk, and sit at my own, propping my feet up on it.

"I'm not, I have plans with Tewkesbury tonight."

I smirk, "They're going on their first date."

Enola throw a paper ball at me and I laugh.

"(Y/n)'s free tonight, perhaps the two of you should go together."

I snap my head towards Enola, "I have plans tonight."

"They're not important," Enola says to Sherlock.

Sherlock looks at me, a small smile on his lips. "Good, I'll pick you up at seven."

I slam my feet to the ground and jump up, "What? I don't even know what you plan on doing!"

"If I told you it'd ruin the surprise."

He walks out of the office, and I chase after him.

"That's not fair! I don't even know what to wear, or what to bring!"

Edith watches us curiously.

He makes it to the front door and I stop behind him, waiting for his answer.

"Wear a dress."

I sigh, "Fine."

He turns back to me, "I look forward to our date."

I open my mouth to say something but he nods then quickly walks out the door.

I open the door, "I don't actually like surprises!"

He turns around with a smile, "I'll see you tonight, (Y/n)."

I groan and shut the door behind me.

I slowly turn back to Edith and Enola who are both smiling brightly.

"I didn't agree to a date."

Edith raises an eyebrow, "Yet, you're smiling like a clown."

I can't even try to deny it, I really am smiling like a clown.

The door bell rings and in walks Tewkesbury who looks at me confused.

"Why is she smiling like that? She never smiles."

Enola takes his arm, "She's got a date with, Sherlock."

"It's about time," he says, before leading Enola out the door.

I rub my face and walk back to the office with a groan. I might as well get some work done before the date.


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