The Rescue

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I sit in the floor, looking up at the ceiling above. My arms are covered in cuts and bruises from my several failed attempts of breaking the door down. Marcus hasn't been back in what I assume has been two hours. Luckily, this room happens to have a lit lantern and a bathroom. I still have no idea how long I've been here.

"Hello?!" I yell out.

My throat is sore, hopefully Marcus will bring me more water soon. Although, the man seems to be in a manic episode, so I doubt he'll remember.

"Here's some water, stop your yapping."

He opens the door and hands me a glass of water, I immediately gulp it down. I can feel him staring at me so I look back up.

"I told you he wasn't coming."

He laughs, "I'll give him until tonight. If he doesn't show up, you're dead."

Then he walks out and locks the door behind him.

I rest my head against the wall behind me. This isn't how I thought I'd die, I always thought I'd die of old age. Or maybe even a rare illness. Not being killed by a maniac.

I hope my mother's okay, and I hope that Enola at least told her what's going on.

My eyes land on the door, it's not shut all the way. That means the knob isn't locked, so it shouldn't be hard to pry the door open and knock out the chain lock.

Hey, that rhymed.....

I need to get out of here.

I rush to the door and pull it as far back as the chain will allow. I slither my arm through the gap and feel around for the chain.

Got it.

I pull the chain up and hear it slide out of the latch. My heart pounds, now I just have to get by Marcus without him noticing.

I quietly step out of the room, and look around. Maybe I should've planned more, because I have no idea where to go.

Loud yelling and the sound of gunshots echoes through the hall I'm in. I grab a rusty wrench from the ground and start running.

I turn the corner only to find a dead-end, so I run back out, and go the opposite way. As I'm running I notice the yelling is getting louder. Which means I'm running straight to it.

I'm gonna die.

My hair falls in front of my face, and it's now that I regret not tying my hair up the day I was kidnapped.

Kidnapped? Shouldn't it be adultnapped?

I turn another corner and see a doorway leading to what looks like outside. I guess it's my lucky day.

My feet ache but I run as fast as I can.

11 feet....

10 feet....

9 feet....

Something, no...... someone grabs my shoulder, and yanks me back.

I let out a terrified scream and swing my wrench right at them. They grab my wrist and pull the wrench out of my hand. My vision is cloudy with tears, but I still try to fight them off.

"(Y/n), calm down. It's me, Sherlock!"

I freeze.

I'm hearing things now, it can't possibly be him. This is Marcus.

"Let me go!" I scream.

"Look at me!"

His hands grab my arms and force me to face him. And instead of the rugged face with a crooked nose and brown eyes I was expecting. I see a handsome face with perfect blue eyes.

It's him. Sherlock.

I fall to my knees, he falls with me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. My body shakes with loud sobs, I'm embarrassed but I can't help it.

"You're okay now," he whispers.

"You came," I say softly.

He pulls away from me, his eyes meeting my own. "Of course."


I look behind Sherlock to see Enola running right towards us. Her eyes aren't as bright as they normally are, and she has dark eyebags.

When she sees me she stops. "(Y/n)?"

I stand up and the two of us run until we crash into each other, both of us staining each other's dresses with tears.

"I'm so sorry," she mumbles.

"You shouldn't be, it was no one's fault."

She pulls away and smiles at me, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, but can we get out of here? I haven't seen the sun in..... I don't even know how long."

"Three days."

I turn back to Sherlock, "Three days?!"


As soon as we make it outside I am ushered into a medical carriage.

"Where's my mom-" I'm not even able to finish my question befire I'm pulled into a tight hug.

The scent of roses and vanilla hits me, and I relax into my seat.

"I missed you so much mom."

Her voice breaks as she responds, "I missed you too."

The nurse tends to the cuts on my arms, there surprisingly isn't as many as I thought. I really thought my arms were going to be broken from the amount of times I rammed into the door.

Note to self: do not try to bust a door down with your body.

"You're all done. Make sure to drink water, and try not to move around too much," says the nurse.

My mom helps me out of the carriage, and we walk over to Sherlock and Enola who are talking with the police.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Holmes," the police chief says.

The two men shake hands and the police load up on their carriages. I watch them curiously. They got the police involved just to find me?

"Where is she?!"

We all turn to see a very out of breath Tewkesbury running up to us. His eyes land on me and he grins.

"Oh thank God!" he yells, before pulling me into a hug.

Normally I hate hugs, but today is different.

"She was actually on her way out of the building when I found her," says Sherlock.

"I would've gotten out if you hadn't pulled me back," I say, rolling my eyes jokingly.

Sherlock straightens his back, "Sorry for interrupting your escape plan."

"Yeah, you better be sorry, because now you owe me."

"And what do I owe you?" he asks.

I shrug, "I don't know yet."

"Can we please go get some food now?" Enola asks.

My mom nods, "Food sounds amazing."

"Tewkesbury's paying!" Enola shouts before climbing into the carriage.

Tewkesbury rolls his eyes, but follows her with a smile.

They're so cute together. So cute that it makes me wanna claw my eyes out.

My mom joins them in the carriage, leaving Sherlock and I on our own. I awkwardly turn to him, "Thank you."

"There's no need to thank me," he says, confused.

He helps me into the carriage and the five us leave to go get food.

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