Mycroft's Acceptance

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Enola and I sit in our office, the two of us not really having anything to do. We're only here because Sherlock is supposed to come by. The two siblings have something to discuss, so once I see Sherlock I'll leave.

Enola eyes me from across the room, she's been staring at me all day. As much as I love her, it's starting to get really annoying. "Why are you staring at me?"

She jumps at my voice and fiddles with her hands, "I'm just thinking."


"I'm sorry, it's just really hard for me to know about you and my brother. It's gross to think about," she rambles.

"Then don't think about it," I say.

She frowns, "I just don't want you to get hurt. Sherlock is known for his..... lack of affection."

She's worried about me.

"Enola, I assure you that I won't get hurt, and neither would he. Even if the two of us were to end things, I promise it won't end bitterly."

The door opens, and in walks Sherlock who looks angry. He sits in the chair across from me, "Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, who or what has pissed you off today?" I ask.

He gives me an annoyed look, "My brother."

The door opens again, Mycroft storms in, slamming the door shut behind him. "I wasn't done with the conversation, Sherlock!"

"I was," Sherlock says sternly.

It only takes a few seconds for Mycroft to notice me, the second he sees me, the vein in his forehead bulges out even more. "You! You foul, obnoxious woman!"

He storms over to me, causing me to stand up. His finger hovers in front of my face as he points, "I forbid you from seeing Sherlock!"

So that's what he's angry about. I should've known.

"And how do you plan to do that?" I ask mockingly.

He blinks, but remains quiet. His chest is rising up and down with fast, angry breaths. I can see Enola standing behind him, her eyes watching him cautiously. There's a hint of fear in her eyes. But why?

"I've called the asylum, you're lucky they have no rooms left."

My eyes widen, "For what? What have I done wrong?!"

"A woman should never shout at a man!"

Sherlock gets in between the two of us, his back is turned to me, but I can see that he's pushing Mycroft away. "Apologize to her right now."

"I'm not apologizing-"

Sherlock cuts him off, "I wasn't asking."

There's an obvious tension between them as they stare each other down. After a few seconds Mycroft sighs. "Of all the women in London, she's the one you choose?"


I try my best to not smile, but I can't resist it. Mycroft looks over his brother's shoulder, "I'm sorry."

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