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I was alone for the two days that followed.

No Duke, no servants and no one to talk to...

I was content with the solitude but the only problem was my lack of meals. Not once was a meal served for no one was there to serve it.

I had tried leaving my room to hunt down a food source but it seemed as though I was not allowed any freedom. The hardwood door had been locked.

Not pondering to much on it, I had spent the first day waiting patiently for someone to open it believing it to have been some sort of mistake.

I soon came to realise that no one was coming as my head fell to the pillow on an empty stomach.

The Duke had intended to starve me...

I was not about to let that happen. He would not break my spirit with this petty trick.

The next day I had vowed to find a way to open the door but all my attempts had been futile.

The key was still in the lock on the other side but it was too twisted in place for me to push out no matter what I did. It was frustrating.

I had thought about climbing from the window but my room was inconveniently situated on the third floor. This would not have been a problem if there was a way for me to successfully maneuver to the ground without causing injury.

I had read many stories about people escaping from even higher places using their bedsheets or curtains but I was not particularly confident in my knotting skills and there was no place to tie them to other than my bed which by no means would stand steady should I subject it to such an act.

The sun was beginning to set when I finally made progress. The long hair piece and quill I had been using finally pushed the key out of place.

I heard a soft clang and the metal hit the floor below. Fortunately I had managed to psuh a page under the door which caught the metal object.

I slowly pulled the page towards me praying the key was thin enough to slide under the door.

Please work.

I held my breath only releasing it when the dulled metal came into sight. It worked.

I wasted no time in unlocking the door and stepped out into the quiet hallway. It was darkened by the afternoon shadows with its only light source being the large window that overlooked the grounds.

There were a few other doors which I was quick to discover led to other unoccupied rooms almost completely identical to the one I was staying in.

My stomach rumbled preventing me from continuing my exploration and reminding me of my situation.

I had to eat something, anything. I was starving.

I made my way down the quiet corridor making sure to memorise my path with each step I took. It was not long before I eventually encountered some life.

Two young maids had been gossiping quietly amongst themselves. Their words were to soft and incoherent for me to make out properly.

They stopped their chatter the moment that they caught sight of me approaching. Their eyes were wide as they analysed my figure.

"Pardon me, but do you perhaps know where the kitchens are?" I asked politely.

"Oh um..." The one began not focusing on her words but still staring at me with an amazed expression. I felt slightly uncomfortable from all the intensity but chose not to show it.

"Excuse our manners my Lady, but would you perhaps tell us who you are?" The second one spoke, her words coated with slight embarrassment.

At first I was taken back by the question. I could not believe that she did not know who I was but then again she had never seen me before.

I felt uncomfortable once again, "I am the new Duchess of Waisend." My words felt slightly shaky as I gave my new title. It felt so foreign on my lips and I felt like it did not suite me at all.

The two maids seemed ro be thinking the same. The moment that those words had parted from my lips, their whole demeanour had changed and they were not afraid t to show it.

Gone were their previous expressions and now hateful scowls overcame their features. The one even dared to through a glare my way. It was if they were now completely different people.

"Your Grace, please refrain from talking to us." The one girl just about spat out as she took the other's arm and hurriedly walked away.

"What a horrid woman. How could our beloved Duke marry her of all people?" She whispered to her friend just loud enough for me to hear as they rounded the corner. It was intentional.


I wanted to laugh. I should have expected this with my terrible reputation and this awful arranged marriage that both the Duke and I clearly did but want.

A part of me had been hoping that the servants in my new home would not treat me like those in the Faintree Manor but from their reactions it seemed it would not be long before my hopes would be completely crushed.

My stomach rumbled again.

I let out a long sigh before I continued my endless trek down the windy hallways.

When I did eventually managed to locate the kitchen, it's devine fragrance led me straight yo it but to my disappointment one of the maids from earlier was there too. I wanted to scoff in annoyance from her lack of help but told myself that she was not worth it.

Unfortunately she had seen me before I could even step foot in and informed what I assumed was the  head chef of my presence. The greying woman's eyes widened as her gaze shot to me.

"Your Grace!" She scurried over, her words were loud enough to alert the others in the busy kitchen, "What brings you here?" Her words felt forced.

"I apologise for my sudden interpretation, I know you must be very busy preparing for dinner." I began.

"If you knew, then why did you come?" I heard her almost inaudibly whisper under her breath. I pretended not to hear it. I knew I was unwelcomed.

"Would it be a bother if I just get something to eat?" I gently asked.

The chef scowled. She was most certainly not afraid to show her dissatisfaction with my request, "Your Grace, dinner will be served soon. I do not have time to fulfill your peckish desires."

I could not help but frown, "Will I be serv-"

She cut me off not allowing me to complete my sentence, "Please be patient and go back to your quarters."

She turned her back and walked off getting straight back to work. The moment that she had stepped away, all the other servants continued what they were doing and pretended as if I were no longer there.

I reluctantly left knowing that I was not welcomed. I justed hoped that I would at least get some sort of food tonight and that the head chef would not spit in it.

I was wrong.

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