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I lifted my head up and squared my shoulders as I unknowingly prepared myself to face the Duke of Waisend once again as the voices neared. This time I would not let myself be affected by his charm.

"Forgive me your Grace, but I am afraid I speak the truth."

I did not recognise the second voice but I deduced that it belonged to either a footman or possibly a butler.

"Worry not, she will eventually come to her senses. I am sure if it." Cassius responded.

"That is not all, your Grace."

There was a brief pause and it no longer sounded like they were getting closer.I was about to give up and leave but stopped when the servant spoke again, his voice clear yet weary, "I fear that there may be a... No I can't possibly say. *

"Speak." Cassius seemed to get annoyed.

"A lover. A man she has unsuccessfully tried to keep hidden-"

I heard a sudden crash as the man's words were abruptly cut off. Curious of the situation I could not help but move towards it.

"Watch your tongue." Cassius' words harsh and threatening. His tone mag have been calm yet there was a dark undertone prominent.

I caught of glimps of the scene and could not help the shiver that ran down my back. Cassius had the man pinned against the wall, a blade to his neck at such an angle that I knew made it difficult to breathe.

I felt unnerved to the point where I hid around the corner and pressed my back right against it.

I had no idea why I hid but perhaps it had something to do with that darkened look in his eyes or the complete change is his demeanour.

The Cassius Waisend that I knew had a charming yet annoyingly arrogant and pushy sort of personality. The one before me now was completely different.

"For-Forgive me y-your Grace." The servant begged as he weezed out.

I did not know that I was holding my breath until I heard a heavy thump hit the floor. I slowly and carefully peeked my head around the corner.

The servant had fallen in a slump to the ground as the Duke had pulled away from him and placed the dagger back in its sheath. A sheath that belonged to a decoration on the wall.

"I... I have proof." The servant nervously continued as he lifted himself to his feet, his movements now very timid like a mouse on high gaurd as if expecting to be attacked any moment.

Cassius turned his head towards the man, his expression unreadable from this distance.

The servant slowly reached his gloved hand into his pocket and pulled out what looked to be a letter. I could see the slight tremble in his arm as he presented it to the Duke.

"What is this?" Cassius' words were still deathly cold.

"A letter, your Grace."

The Duke immediately shot a terrifying glare at the man who nervously dropped his gaze at the intensity of it.

"It's uh... A - a letter addressed to the Duchess. It arrived no less than a day ago." I could see the servant break out into a cold sweat as he flinched away at his own words.

A letter for me?


It had to be from Rourke.

I had yet to receive his reply, it had been over a week since I had last written to him and I know he would not waste even a second to write back.

The only other person would be Lady Faintree but her letters had yet to be withheld from me.

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