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The journey was long and harsh. It felt like it would never end.

It did not help that my mule was as stubborn as one could possibly be and ridiculously hard on the mouth. My hands were raw from the constant pulling and fighting from the animal. It did not help that it had square feet or a boney back. I was stiff and sore all over by the time we had arrived in the Port Town of Canterbre.

I was still treated like a cold and unwanted outsider but one or two of the servants were slightly kinder to me during the journey. I was offered some hard and stale bread to chew on and one servant did show me what wild berries where safe to eat although it was only an indirect motion. 

I had to sleep under a tree each night and there was no time nor place to bath so I was absolutely filthy when I arrived. My hair was all mattered and I stunk. It was embarrassing but I was relieved that the journey was finally over.

We fortunately travelled along the outskirts of the town to reach the Waisend estate.

My breath hitched in my throat when I caught sight of it. It was nothing like I had ever imagined. Sitting against the hillside, I could see the start contrast of white against the beautiful green of nature. There were followers and vines that crept up some of its walls and hung over the sides. The gardens were so magnificent as and maintained in a way that allowed it to grow wild and free yet neat at organised.

It was truly a work of art and if I were a painter, I would spend hours trying to replicate its beauty. 

When our convey entered through the large iron gates, I let my eyes wonder all around taking in all my surroundings and continued to marvel at the beauty and architecture of the chateau. 

If only Rourke could see this...

 I forced myself to look away at the sad thought.

It was not long before I dismounted and was left at the large wooden doors with my belongings at my feet.

No servant even bothered to direct me or help me carry it further than the doors.

I was used it by now.

slowly I pushed my hand against the doors. The hinges squeaked slightly at the movement as the doors slowly opened.

I took a deep breath as the cooler air hit my face temporarily cooling my senses.

I then turned around and grabbed onto the side of the wooden trunk in an attempt to pull it along. My muscles protested as they were stiff as anything but my raw hands were at least currently numb to any pain.

It was heavy but nothing that I could not handle for I was fortunate that I did not have much.

I dragged it into what I assumed to be the main hall before pushing it up against the wall and sitting on it for a moment to catch my breath. 

I needed to find my room or any room that I could occupy for the time being so I forced myself up onto my shaky legs and began my search of opening each door I came across.

Many were locked.

I was hoping I would find a room on the current floor but logic dictated that rooms would be on the next floor or higher. I was about to give up as my fingers wrapped around the cold handle of the next door when I was suddenly greeted by a small bedroom. 

Looking back out into the hallway that I had done many turns just to come across, I noticed that this room was tucked away and almost completely out of sight. Curiosity got the better of me as I looked through the keyholes of some of the other rooms, they were all locked but it was a guest room far bigger than the one I opened.

I made my way back into the room. It was not small nor was it big like the others but it was cozy and had a beautiful view overlooking the ocean and the town bellow with a magnificent balcony. There was also an on suite bathroom and a small closet and desk. 

I smiled.

It was perfect.

It was not long before I had managed to lug the wooden trunk into the room and settled into the bath. 

It was around midafternoon so I was able to take a warm bath and soak my aching joints.

I was too tired to do much and soon sunk into the soft covers of the awaiting bed.

I had a dreamless night and I awoke  with a heavy head just as the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon.

I did not hesitate to reach for the bulcany doors. The air was much cooler and less humid and a soft breeze stirred the trees. I could taste the salt on the tip of my tongue.

I could see the dark sea ahead and the quiet port below where the ships softly rocked. It was so quiet, so peaceful and so tranquil.

I knew it would not be long before the town would come to life as I could already see some fisherman beginning to head out.

Perhaps I would be lucky today and have enough to try some of their fresh catches. My stomach rumbled at the thought.

Being starved was a cruel kind of torture.

I looked back into the room where my eyes fell once again upon the chest. Perhaps I could get a little more for that hideous dress now that I was here in Canterbre.

My eyes slowly moved to the small desk tucked away in the corner. There, a quill and writing paper sat neatly on it.

I smiled.

At least I could write to Rourke.

I moved towards the desk and pulled out the chair. Slowly my eyes raked over the desk looking for ink.

There was none.

I reached for the draws.

Again nothing.

Disappointment consumed me.

Maybe I would be lucky and a servant could help me out. I doubted someone would but it was worth a try.

It was much to early to do anything right now as everyone was still asleep so I decided to instead go exploring.

Once I was changed, I found myself wandering along the long hallways admiring the portraits and paintings that lined them.

Most of the doors were locked but the few rooms I had discovered had yet to be of any interest.

I had made a point of looking for ink with each room I entered but I had yet to reach success.

I stopped before two large oak doors, my fingers about to push down on the handle and reveal the room's secrets when suddenly I almost jumped right out of my skin in fright when a voice spoke up.

"Stop right there."

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