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H-E-L-L-O !

Hello friends ! It's me again 😁 Yup ! I'm back with another book and I'm so excited to start this story. But first thing first...

-Rule 1: DON'T steal my shit !

-Rule 2: I'm not perfect, so of course there will be mistakes, but please don't waste your time pointing out every little mistake, it'll be really useless. But of course, if there is something that you can't really understand (like it's really really really impossible), then you can point it out and let me know, with a nice comment. I'm a human. And my first language is not English, so some sentences won't be formed how you're used to, but I think by now you know how is my writing style.

-Rule 3: DON'T be rude in the comments ! If you don't like the story, you're totally free to go and read something else. I'm not and nobody is forcing you to read this book.

-Rule 4: DON'T argue with someone else in the comments ! Pleeeeease😒 Because it's really annoying and mainly RUDE ! But be free to have interesting and nice conversations hey hey 😉

Let's respect each other and everything will be good.👌

Anyways, about sex scenes🔞. Hmm...maybe there will be one or two, maybe none💁🏾. But anyway this story will focus on a lot of subjects and sex won't be the principal one. But if I decide to make one scene, I'll let you know.

Hmm...What else ?

Oh yeah ! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU SO MUCH for continuing with me ! You're the best ! Amazing 🎆 ! Incredible 🎉 ! Awesome 🎊 ! A miracle 🎇 ! A wonderful gift from God 🙌 ! I LOVE YOU 💗

Thanks for spending some of your precious time to read my story. I really appreciate it. And since you're so exceptional, you can have a little snippet.

So yeah, I'm writing two other books and I will focus on them first before to really be into this one. Maybe, I'll update the very first chapter or another and longer snippet in the meantime, if I have time to do this. But I think you'll really have chapters in summer 😎, like during the month of July.

So pleeeeeeeeeaaaaase, don't leave comments like "Update now, please." or "You need to update it now" or something else like that, because I JUST explained to you what is going on. I don't want to be mean and all, but please always read attentively the authors notes because they're giving important information, like they can already be answering some of the questions that you might ask in a comment; so PLEASE take the time (it's not even five minutes) to read the notes. They'll be there at the end of each chapter, so PLEASE read them.

Well, here the little snippet:

«(...) Out and free, but still considering myself being locked up. That's how I'd been feeling these past three days. Am I really ready for the real world ? I didn't even get out of my cousin's condo since I put my feet in.

I was scared.

Yes, I was frightened and didn't want to face all of this. Seven years in prison sure changes a man. I was in a box for seven years and now I was out of it and I didn't feel at the right place.

I had to get used to this world again. The cars, buildings, the technology, the nature and...the people. That's what I was afraid of the most. I didn't know how to act in society anymore. I didn't know how to behave with other human beings anymore. I didn't know what to say in the presence of someone else. People became the unknown. I didn't know what it was anymore. I felt like a stranger in the middle of my species.

Yes, there were persons in prison, but it wasn't the type you could call human beings. They were wild animals, even worst than Savannah animals. There were some you could call them monsters and there was this other category...Must be creatures sent from the devil himself.

Rapists, killers, psychopaths, child molesters...

But who am I kidding ? I was one of them. I was a criminal too. Whether I liked it or not, I was a culprit too. I wasn't better than them. Well, compared to some cases, yes. Better than some of them, but not than everybody in there. Anyways, we were all at the same level, no matter what.

I puffed.

For the cops and society, we were all the same. They didn't care about your story and why I had to do this. Why I had to commit a crime. Why I had to kill somebody. My father. They didn't care about me. At all. But nothing will restrain them from judging me. Nothing.

I was a criminal.

Even if I was out and free, I will always be considered like one. (...)»

I know, it was little, but the wait will be worth it. I hope 😳 ! Thanks again for the support. *hugs you tightly*


CissyItsMe 💋✌❤

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