≈Chapter XXXVIII :

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~Los Angeles,

•05/08 {Monday, 10:47 A.M}

~*~ Docia ~*~


My boyfriend and I were holding hands as we were walking to our usual table for lunch, when this girl came towards us. I recognized her to be Stacy, one of our school's cheerleaders. She was a popular girl, everybody knew her and everybody wanted to be her friend. Yes, everybody but me. Since day one, she had been nothing else to me but a bitch. Always trying to embarrass me in front of the whole school and always calling me all types of names. I tried to defend myself several times, Yemi came to my rescue more than once, but still it wasn't stopping Stacy. I didn't know why she hated me so much because I'd never done something to her. I barely talked to her on a daily. Most of the time I was staying by myself or with Yemi, who was my only friend and I was totally fine with that. I didn't need all the extra fakeness with those other people.

"You're still doing this, Hendrick ? Leave that pig alone and come with me, you'll have more fun."

I frowned and immediately looked at Hendrick, waiting for him to defend me, but he didn't open his mouth. Instead, he dropped my hand and grabbed the girl's arm, then they went somewhere. He seemed to be angry when they left. I was confused, I didn't move and was just questioning myself like if I had all the answers. I wanted to go after them, but for some reason my foot didn't want to listen to my brain.

Those past few days, Hendrick began to act weird with me. He wasn't as passionate in this relationship as he was in the beginning. He stopped complimenting me, kissing me, calling me before to go to bed, picking me up in the morning to school, and all that good stuff a boyfriend was supposed to do. It was so strange, because one day he was acting black and then the next he was acting white. I didn't know who he was anymore. I thought about breaking up with him, but it was too hard. I loved him and wanted to stay with him. Like forever. But now I should ask myself if he was still good enough for me.

It was too much.

I sighed heavily and went to sit at our table. I pulled out my sandwich and bottle of water, then began to eat. If I was feeling like the happiest girl in the world during those past three months, now I was super gloomy all day and every day. Yemi told me that she didn't like that change in me and was getting worried about me, but I lied and told her to not be too concerned, that it was just a phase and I'll be fine sooner than later. I convinced myself with this for a couple of days, but now I really wasn't sure about a thing.

I sniffed and put my sandwich down, not hungry anymore.

I got a napkin and wiped my tears off and as I was doing so, one of Hendrick's friends came at the table with a smile resting on his face. I didn't like that smile, it looked devil for some reason. He sat across from me, "I see that my boy finally did it, huh ? I'm sorry, but it is what it is. He was supposed to do it in front of everybody though. I guess, he began to care, right ? " He chuckled and I just stared at him, totally lost. What was he talking about ?

"What ? Who and what was he supposed to do ? "

He rolled his eyes, "Oh man...I'm tired of this shit. Listen, I'm gonna be brief, it was never serious between you two, he played you ! He made you his girlfriend just to fuck you ! "

My heart made a huge jump in my chest, "What ? " Riley never liked me and he was always mean to me, he was the boy version of Stacy. And knowing that, I was certain he was lying to attempt to hurt me, as usual. I shook my head, "Leave me alone, please."

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