≈Chapter XV :

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~Los Angeles,

•07/05 {Saturday, 12:57 P.M}

~*~ Dorian ~*~

I stood up, put some money on the counter and left the restaurant as fast as my feet were allowing me to do. I couldn't stay any longer. I was getting upset with the conversation and during our anger management classes, she told me a few times that I should learn how to walk away from an unwanted situation that would make me angry; and that was totally the case, so I walked away. 

She was so annoying wanting to analyze me all the time. I was there to chill and eat peacefully, but she had to ruin that moment and turned my whole lunch break into another therapy session. Why were people always trying to get the worst out of me ? I was trying to change and be a better me, but everybody just had to get on my nerves all the time. 

I was cooperating now in those therapy sessions and sometimes we would even laugh together, so why was she doing that to me ? What did she want more from me ? To talk ? To tell her my deepest thoughts, fears and nightmares ? I told her countless times that I won't open up like that and I was showing it with my behavior too; so why was she insisting so much ? I felt the pressure on me and I didn't like it. I knew she wasn't doing this as a bad person, but only to do her job and because for some unknown reason she cared so much to help me to get better; but we couldn't continue like that. She couldn't keep pushing me to allow her in my head, because I didn't want to do that and nobody nor nothing will change my mind. 

"Shit ! " I groaned out in frustration and stopped in my track, in the middle of the streets. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I couldn't go back to work all mad. Fortunately, I have one hour left to cool off. 


I rolled my eyes and turned around to face her, "What do you want ? "I asked with a harsh tone of voice. 

"I didn't mean to upset you back there. I was just...being honest with you." 

"Well, next time don't be so honest with me." 

"What exactly got you angry in the first place ? We were-"

I groaned again and this time more louder, "Stop ! " I screamed getting attention from some people, "Stop doing that ! "

"Okay, please calm down, we don't need you to cause a big scene." She whispered grabbing my forearm, and then she started dragging me somewhere. 

"Where are you taking me ? Help ! "

"Can you stop ?! " She whispered-yelled shooting me a warning glare. 

"No, that's my line. You stop ! " 

"Stop what ? " She abruptly stopped walking as I snatched myself off her grip. We were now standing in front of a bookstore called PARADISE. 

We both crossed our arms at the same time, "Stop being a damn therapist for a few minutes ! "

"What are you talk-"

"The questions, the tone you used and the look ! It's so irritating ! Can you be just a human for once ? We were eating pizza an-"

"I wasn't trying to analyze you." She cut off getting me even more mad. 

"Yes, that's exactly what you were trying to do ! And you know wha-" I paused and wiped my face, "Except for the therapy sessions, do not talk to me ! " After I said that, I didn't even wait for an answer and walked away fuming. 

Maybe I was exaggerating and honestly I didn't care.

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