29. Min Yoongi

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~Jungkook's POV~

~At Home~

"Y/n, why do you share rooms with Jeon Jungkook?" Yoongi asked, eyeing me and you.

I swear to god, Yoongi will be the death of me. I looked at you, as you tried to come up with a lie.

"Sharing? Pfft! No, I sleep in the guest room. But Yoongi, there is only one guest room. So, maybe you take it while I–"

"While you sleep with him? No. I'll either sleep with him or on the couch", Yoongi interrupted you.

"I am not going to be sleeping with you, neither you will be on couch. Can we talk, Y/n?" I asked.

"What do you guys have to talk about? Say it in front of me", Yoongi holds your hand.

"I.. needed her to take her clothes from my room", I lied.

I wish I came up with a better lie, though. You looked like you watched a horror movie, along with Yoongi.

"What do you mean 'take her clothes from your room'?" Yoongi asked,.

I opened my mouth to talk, but no words came out. And by the look Yoongi gave me, I knew I messed up.

"Y/n! Explain", Yoongi demanded.

"I-I, we slept together, yes. But, yesterday, Jungkook and I were playing chess. So, we became tired and–"

"And you removed all your clothing and slept with him?" Yoongi interrupted, then my jaw dropped.

"No, no!" You tried to deny, until I held your hand.

"Leave me alone!" You whispered.

"Yoongi, I understand you are her brother. Really overprotective, but look at her ring finger", I said and you froze.

Yoongi looked at your ring finger and stood there looking at it. You began sweating then said, " Aish! Jeon Jungkook, stop saying things. You bought me this ring as a birthday gift".

You dragged me to our room, and I crossed my arms.

"Why can't you tell him the truth?" I asked.

"Jungkook! If he finds out, he'll kill me!" You whined.

"What if mom comes here or even worse, Taehyung? Taehyung will come and say something to Yoongi like 'Bro, you missed your sister's wedding. She married Jeon Jungkook'."

"What are both of you whispering about?" Yoongi asked, out of the blue.

You and I screamed, like we were in a horror movie.

"What do you want?" I asked him, recovering from my mini heart attack.

"Where is the living room?" Yoongi asked.

"Y/n, go and show him the living room", I said and you nodded, leaving with him.

When you left with him, I let groan low groan and sat on our bed. I heard the some noise from the living room, which I assumed was the television, but at this point, I could care less.

I tiptoed to the living room to see Yoongi watching the TV, but also listening to music on his phone. I looked at him, weirdly.

​​​​​​Who would be lucky to have a brother like him? He is weird. Who the hell listens to music and watches TV at the same time?! He's way dumber than Taehyung.

I even heard the song through his earphones. What the hell?! I could scream! The TV was already loud enough, now this?

I groaned, miserably.

Min Yoongi, why?

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