50. Hyejin?

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As I was lying on the ground, I heard something. A random thud. I was so happy of hearing it because as I was sitting- oh I mean lying down, I could only hear that weird noise when its just quiet. The noise be like- you know I just cant describe it.

But I actually got worried because I thought that the thud was a gun or something dangerous, and I thought I was going to die for a second. I heard a groan from the other room and some random guy laughing. I laughed because I pictured a guard falling down.

The door opened and I got quiet. A lady came inside, her body covered in chains like me.

What the hell?! Are they doing this to every girl they see?

I saw her face. She looks oddly familiar, but I just cant remember who she is. Think Y/n, think! I once saw her with Jiwon- oh thats Hyejin! Wait why is she chained though?

"Ugh, leave me alone! I'll go on the ground by myself", she said sarcastically, hopping away from the guards and lying down beside me.

"You girls talk about your lady discussions. Don't talk about ways of escaping because you aren't going to", the guard said, before leaving.

I groaned and rolled my eyes at his statement. I turned to Hyejin, and wondered why she was smiling with a hint of happiness and mischievousness.

"What?" I asked.

"I came here on purpose", she laughed, like an evil witch or something. Cackled perhaps? I don't know but her weird laugh barely sounded like an actual laugh.

Okay, what the hell am I saying right now?

Hyejin stopped laughing and paused for a moment. "That was probably the weirdest laugh I ever let out", she said while blushing.

"So, you wanted to get tied by a chain, probably going to stay here for the rest of your life?" I asked, looking at her in disappointment.

"Of course not. I have a tracker that will help Jungkook find us of course", Hyejin whispered, and I beamed at that idea.

"Oooh, that's really smart", I said, smirking at myself.

"Anyways, staying here is boring. I'll just sleep while I get rescued later on", Hyejin said, turning to her side so her back is facing me.

I also turned to my side so my back was facing Hyejin's back. I closed my eyes and slept. The last thought that went through my mind was-

What on earth happened in this place that made this floor smell like crap?

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