Chapter 9 'Unpack This Please'

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     "Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" Andrew asked me as we walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria after biology.

     "I need to finish unpacking," I said with a sigh. "I only have a few boxes left and I'm hoping to get them all unpacked before next Monday. Living out of cardboard boxes and not knowing where any of my stuff is isn't that fun."

     "Wow, exciting, sounds like a wild weekend," Andrew laughed along with me. "You need any help with unpacking those last few boxes? Not to brag or anything, but my uncle used to move around a lot and I would help him box up and unpack everything, so I guess that you say I've got a 'boxing' talent." He offered, laughing at his own lame joke.

     I could feel my cheeks start to burn bright red and I did my best to hold back the huge smile I could feel coming on. "Wow, and to think that this whole time that I've known you I had no clue that you were an expert at moving and unpacking boxes," I teased him. "But, I'm sure that you have way better things to do this weekend than help me unpack and put away shoes and books."

     "I know that I don't have to, Addison. But I want to," Andrew said with a small shrug and killer smile. "Plus it'll give us a chance to go over our lines together and not have Ivy and Mark complain and moan about the play every other second. I thought that the play was meant to be a drama, but with those two it's starting to feel more like a bad rom-com."

     Ok, that was very true. Mark couldn't seem to go any longer than five minutes without cracking some sort of awful joke and Ivy rolled her eyes at every single one of her lines. I'm surprised that Mr. Hanson hasn't told the two of them to knock it off yet with how much they complain and how loud they are while doing it.

     "Ok sure," I agreed after finally managing to push the butterflies down for a quick moment to answer. "What day is best for you? Because like I said, I'll be stuck at home this whole weekend with crumpled-up tape, scissors, and some microwave noodles."

     "Tomorrow, Saturday?" He asked. "We can grab dinner or something after?" He suggested nervously. "I can maybe show you around town also? Give you a bit of a tour and point out all the best spots and places to eat?"

     "Tomorrow works great for me," I confirmed with a bright smile. "My mom flew out earlier today to go and deal with a few last things from our move and comes back Sunday."

     "Great," Andrew matched my happy smile and blushing cheeks. "I promise that you won't regret it!"

     I quickly texted him my address, even though he claimed that he could just drive around shouting out my name and find my house just as fast.  I shook my head at him, grateful that I left my hair down today so that it fell forward and hit my bright pink cheeks.

     Andrew was super cute, sweet, kind, and good-looking. I couldn't even deny that I had a small crush on him that was steadily growing. He was just so nice to me and always helped me in biology because I didn't understand anything the way the teacher taught it. I had always never really wanted to date while still in high school, knowing that it would most likely end in a break up when we both went off to University, but ever since moving to Midnight Creek I've felt way more open to dating and falling in love.

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