Chapter 12 'Round 2'

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    Xavier didn't call.

     Ivy didn't text me on Sunday, and neither did Audrey — no one texted or called me at all for the rest of the weekend after Xavier abruptly left.

One minute Xavier wouldn't leave me alone, and the next he won't even text me back. That boy was giving me a headache and I barely even knew him. Ugh.

When my mom flew back in on Sunday I choose not to mention any of what happened on Saturday to her.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but that doesn't mean that she isn't the pushiest person ever. The second I mention Xavier's name I can almost guarantee that she won't stop asking me questions about him and demanding that he come over to meet her so that she can ask him even more questions.

That's also probably why I was so distracted and in my head on Monday morning that I didn't even notice Ivy wasn't in class until I turned sideways to talk to her.

"Hey —" I started to say before realizing that I was talking to an empty seat. "Or not," I muttered.

It wasn't like Ivy to be late to class so that either meant that she was ditching this morning (very believable), or that she just wasn't at school today.

I pulled out my phone to check if she had texted me at all, but there was nothing. Not a single text from her or Xavier. Ugh.

     Mark also wasn't here today either. Great, was everyone just ditching today?

     "Guess it's just us," Andrew said simply as he pulled out the chair from Ivy's empty seat and sat down.

     "At least we can practice our lines without any distractions," I commented. "No one will be complaining."

     "About that," Andrew started. "I'm really, really sorry that I had to cancel so last minute on you Saturday. My dad got a last-minute work order and he had already given his guys the day off and needed me to help. I promise that I didn't just wake up and decide to cancel on you," he explained. "I was looking forward to seeing you and showing you around town."

     I gave him a soft smile, "it's okay," I said honestly. "I get it, really. I would have probably done the same thing if my mom needed my help."

"Plus Xavier showed up on my front doorstep with coffees and helped me run lines on Saturday," I added.

"Xavier?" Andrew frowned slightly at my words.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I think his last name is Black? He's a really good friend of Ivy's and I usually have lunch with them every day."

"I just didn't know that you were friends with him," Andrew said hesitantly.

"You two don't get along?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"He's just not my favourite person," Andrew said slowly as if he was choosing each word carefully.

"Yeah, he's not my favourite person either," I agreed. "He takes some getting used to."

"Really?" Andrew asked me completely shocked. "I mean, I just thought that you two were close, I mean really, really close." He emphasized his words.

"No," I practically shouted. "I mean," I cleared my throat trying to be nicer. "We're friends I guess, but we're not close, like at all. He showed up at my house Saturday completely unexpected and helped me unpack the last of my boxes and then he helped me with the script, but we're not that close."

"Wait," Andrew said slowly. "He helped you go over your lines?"

"Yeah, he said that he did the wedding scene last semester when he had English class with Mr. Hanson so he gave me some advice on how to act everything out and what to say."

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