Chapter 15 'Trust me for Now'

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Ok, did I have something in my teeth today? Or was my hair sticking up in some weird way? Or was I just that ugly? Or what even was happening?

Those were the only few reasons that I could think of that would explain why everyone in school kept looking at me funny.

Every time I walked through the front doors of the school people would stop and stare at me. And I mean completely stop doing everything that they were doing; conversations, reading, walking! Just everything!

I swear that some people would even bow slightly when I walked past them. Even a few of the teachers were treating me with more respect. None of this made any sense to me, but whenever I mentioned it to Ivy or Aubrey they would just brush me off.

"What?" Aubrey said when I mentioned all the weird stares that I was getting on Wednesday. "Maybe people are just starting to notice you finally? I mean, you are new after all."  

  "Yeah!" Ivy quickly agreed with her best friend. We were all standing in the locker room changing back into our regular clothes. "I swear that some people in this town can just be so clueless and forgetful sometimes. It's probably just that. Nothing to worry or overthink about."

It's been a week since Xavier came back and that whole, weird 'Romeo and Juliet' improve thing happened.

And Xavier hasn't skipped another day of school since. He's been early every single day, waiting right by my locker when I walk in the front doors.

Some days he would have a warm to-go cup of coffee with him me, other days it was a bagel or a pastry because he hated the fact that I didn't eat breakfast in the morning.

Of course, today was no different.

"Morning, Princess," Xavier greeted me. "You look beautiful as always today." He was leaning on the locker next to mine holding two to-go coffee mugs and smiling down at me.

He also always had a new nickname and some type of compliment for me every single day. I don't think that Brad will ever let him live down when he called me 'Sugar Bear' on Tuesday; I'm pretty sure that that's my new name on his phone now.

  "Morning," I smiled back at him.

We've also still yet to have that homemade dinner that Xavier asked me about last week. He told me that he was crazy busy with his grandpa and his dad, prepping for some upcoming business event that his family did every few years.

"Coffee?" Xavier asked holding out the usual to-go cup towards me.

  "Are you ever going to let me pay you back?" It was the same thing I've been asking him all week.

"Nope." And that was Xavier's answer every single time I asked him.

  "How come you never bring me coffee in the mornings?" Ivy asked Grayson.

They were standing on the other side of the hall, watching Xavier and I. And doing an absolutely awful job of trying to be quiet and discreet. Every morning in English class Ivy would bring up how Xavier brought me Cofee or breakfast and how cute she thought it was

"I pick you up for school every morning and bring you one of my mom's famous homemade breakfast sandwiches also." I could almost hear the expression on Grayson's face; he was wide-eyed and in disbelief. "Is that not enough?"

"Good point," Ivy, magically, agreed with her boyfriend. "I do love your mom's breakfast sandwiches, they make getting out of bed in the morning worth it."

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