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𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑽𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒆

"What have you done?" The voice of Dr. Adam, your boss said, from right behind you. You didn't dare look back, as you were sure you would bash this man's head on sight. "This is what you've been doing in your free time!? Not practicing your sutures or helping the other patients!?" He barked at you in anger. He was the main surgeon here, after all. And he was absolutely horrified at your experiments.

You didn't even turn around, the growling and hitting that your creations filling the tense silence that lasted for a good, solid minute.

"... I practiced my sutures, Doc. And I practiced them good. " A chill went down his spine. He couldn't believe how sinister, mocking your voice sounded. How horrifying your gaze looked as you turned around to finally meet his gaze. "I'm making history here, but you wouldn't understand."

You began pacing around him. The sight of all your experiments coming to light, illuminated by the neon green light coming from your reagent.

"This is immoral! You've destroyed our dead patients. You took away their dignity!" He said, trying to keep his intimidating facade, but his voice failed. It broke. It broke in little weak pieces that he tried so hard to keep together.

Damn, his weakness was amusing.

He was the main surgeon here, the medical head of this clinic. And he had just found his star pupil experimenting in the bodies of the patients that passed away.

"Immoral!? DESTROYED!?" You said,  raising your voice just a bit. It was horrifying how you looked at him like a predator about to pounce on its prey. His heart began racing as he saw you take a step towards him, and another, and another, slowly as if waiting... just waiting. Making him almost cry. Your heart began pounding on your chest too, but in a twisted, sick excitement, a satisfaction at seeing him cower away from you. "No, Doctor. I gave them life. "

Dr. Adam turned around as you stopped pacing right behind him. He patted his pockets; he didn't have his pager. His heart sank, and it was as if you felt a sick pleasure from it. A smile twisted and bright grew on your chapped lips. He swallowed.

"Life... Right. You will go to jail, Dr. ██████. This is desecration of a dead body. Several, for what I see. You won't be in the medical profession anymore, " Dr. Adam said, still with that trembling fear that sent shockwaves through your spine, trying to threaten you. Threaten you with a life in prison. "You've been caught".


His bravery astounded you, but left you with no choice, he was the only witness, you'd have to get rid of him, and what better way to do it than...

"No. You've been caught, Dr. Adam Bush." You tilted your head to the side as you gave a few steps back, got your pager out and pressed a few buttons, effectively calling... Someone.

"What?" He couldn't believe how calm you were, even after the fact he had told you. Even after you've been caught elbow deep in shady business, and although you looked clean, he was terrified, you had blood in your name. Rotting blood of someone's father, brother, son. He swallowed the bile that built up in his throat, making him want to puke. What were you...

Steps stormed the hallway, three pairs. And that's where you began to cry. Horrified sobs that would make anyone's soul tear up.

"How could you do this, Dr. Adam!? HOW!?" He looked absolutely confused for a second, watching you do your display of pity and horror, and then he realized what you were doing, and it was entirely too late for him because you were already sobbing into another doctor's chest, holding his lab coat for dear life, meanwhile the other doctors and security personnel restrained Dr. Adam Bush, horrified because of the experiments that he, in their eyes, had made in the dead patients.

Too late.


"No, we are not."

You said, your voice unsure as you turned your head to see your creation, your lab. It was strange how something so horrifying brought you peace and happiness. A bitter one, because you had lost it.

"You gave them life," Ruben said, stepping toward you slowly. His footsteps resounding through the walls and the floor, it was almost like he was in control of everything, like he knew your mind and soul without you even telling him a single thing about it. You looked up at your creation once again, your eyes momentarily locking with those of the creature; there it is, once a man, now a husk of a human; wet, sick and shaking. His useless twitching trying to get him out of the cage and get to you, like a trapped dying bug, pitiful jerking, fingers clawing at the cage's bars like they'd do anything more than further break and mutilate its rotting nails. Its voice a sick gurgling, a pathetic sputter of bubbles low in its throat, choking on its own blood and not caring... Not caring for the mind and soul were dead and long gone, gone with its last breath before you had plunged a syringe and brought its circuits back to life. Its body was no longer a place to hold love, or hope; just a body rageful and instictual, primal, animalistic, only seeking to end its pain.

"And you killed her" You said, eyes still fixed on the twitching black fingers of that... thing. Your mind trying to figure out how things would be different. How even if you had gotten to Eleanor's body she too would've been made a mindless husk. You didn't want that.

At the same time, a twisted thought of her, just moving again, just hearing her voice even if it was mixed with the desperate gurgling of her own blood in her lungs. Her presence, trapped in a cage but by your side. Alive. Alive.

But barely.

You shivered. 

Ruben's heart fell to his stomach in that moment. But he was good at keeping his emotions inside and letting them bottle up to never be noticed. He was even surprised he could feel such thing at all.

"I'm sorry"


He sounded awfully genuine. Like not even a nearly sociopathic being with absolute control of his feelings could hide that. The fact that him, with the mind and the knowledge and that twisted, odd affection he now held for you, wouldn't have done it. Like he regretted it. Almost.

"You're not. You didn't know her. You still killed her. Why her? It should've been..." You trailed off, your own selfish thoughts horrifying you again. You were never the best person, but even these things you were thinking, this sheer possessiveness of a long dead friend, scared you.

"Any other person at Beacon. I know. I'm sorry" He repeated, moving close to you from behind. You couldn't feel an ounce of warmth from him. It was horrifyingly unearthly, it was almost like he was not alive anymore. Not alive. Or alive. But barely. You swallowed these thoughts and looked down at your boots as you felt Ruben's deathly cold arms wrap around your upper body, his bandaged face resting on your shoulder. You shivered as he spoke next. "I can give you something. I can give you closure. Is that enough?"

You pondered why he'd say this. Why he'd want to do this for you. Did he have an ulterior motive or did he genuinely care, in that odd, unfeeling, completely unempathetic and dangerous way of his?

He pondered the same thing. Why would he do this? and in the end he did not know. But he kew one thing; Now that you were in his arms, he wouldn't let you go.

𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬Where stories live. Discover now