Prologue Part One

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Soft sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room. Kali Belladonna lay in bed, her body still weary from the intense journey of childbirth. Beside her, Ghira Belladonna stood, his eyes brimming with awe and adoration as he gazed at their newborn daughter. Blake Belladonna, a beautiful reflection of their love and resilience.

Kali's hand trembled as she reached out to stroke Blake's delicate cheek. The baby girl stirred, her tiny mouth curling into a contented smile. Overwhelmed with love, Kali felt her heart expand, as if a wellspring of maternal instinct had been awakened within her.

Ghira leaned in closer, his voice filled with tenderness. 

Ghira: She's perfect, Kali. Look at her, our little miracle.

Kali nodded, her eyes sparkling with tears of joy. 

Kali: Yes, she is. Our precious Blake.

Together, they marveled at their daughter, their hearts swelling with a love that knew no bounds. In that moment, the future seemed bright and full of promise.

Time Skip - Five Weeks Later

The world outside had turned cold and unforgiving. Winter's icy grip tightened its hold upon the city as snowflakes danced through the air. The Belladonna household, once filled with warmth and laughter, now carried an undercurrent of unease.

Ghira Belladonna, a pillar of strength, had always stood against injustice. It was no different on that fateful day. The sound of breaking glass shattered the tranquility of their peaceful neighborhood. An armed robber had burst into a local store, his intentions cruel and selfish.

Without a second thought, Ghira sprang into action. His protective instincts kicked in as he confronted the intruder, determined to keep innocent lives safe. The confrontation escalated, tension hanging heavy in the air like a storm waiting to break.

A single gunshot echoed through the store, its deafening sound reverberating in Kali's ears as her heart stopped. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as panic seized her, her body frozen with fear.

Later, in a haze of disbelief, Kali found herself in the presence of grim-faced Faunus. Their words were like shards of ice, cutting through her already fragile heart. Ghira, her beloved husband, the rock upon which she had built her world, had been taken from her.

Tears streamed down Kali's face as she clung to the hope that this was all just a cruel nightmare. But the somber expressions of the authorities left no room for denial. Ghira Belladonna, the man who had loved her fiercely, protected her fiercely, was gone.

In that moment, Kali's world shattered, and grief engulfed her. The future that had once held so much promise now lay in ruins. She would have to find the strength within herself to carry on, for Blake's sake, and honor the memory of the man who had given his life for the safety of others. As the weight of the news settled upon her, Kali vowed to keep Ghira's spirit alive within her and their daughter.

Rain falls upon the Belladonna household as Kali is seen sitting on her bed, crying while holding a picture of her recently deceased husband as he was holding their newborn daughter Blake only a few weeks before he was killed during the robbery. 

Ever since then, she has been focused on raising her daughter in the home that her husband had left her in his will, going to her bedroom to cry and weep as the feeling of loneliness filled her chest every night that Ghira wasn't with her.

Knock Knock Knock

Kali's ears twitch to the sound of someone knocking at her door and gets up to investigate. When she arrives at the door, there is no more knocks. She grabs onto the door handle and as soon as she pulls it towards her, something falls to the ground with a thud. Kali looks to see a man with strawberry blonde hair lying on the ground. 

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