Following the Trail With a Report

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The scene begins with Ruby scouring through the train wreckage and picking up Dust bullets before looking to see the Relic of Knowledge slightly buried in the snow nearby. Yang can be heard complaining as she struggles to get Bumblebee out of the snow.

Yang: Great! This is just great! We're stranded, we lost a third of our party, and we've gained a defenseless old lady!

With one final heave, Yang manages to extricate Bumblebee but falls over to the ground, with her motorcycle following suit as she's partially covered in snow. Sam then walks over to her.

Sam: Feel better?

Yang scoffs as Sam offers his hand and helps her up. He then helps her lift Bumblebee back up and wipes off the snow.

Maria: My name is Maria Calavera, and I am not defenseless! I'm just a little hard of hearing. And blind without my eyes, that are in desperate need of repair. (taps on her prosthetics, which open wide and close before opening narrowly again) Okay, I'm starting to see your point.

Qrow: (grunts) Yang, knock it off, will ya? If we lose our cool now, we'll just be inviting even more Grimm.

Blake: Does that even matter? We've been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven. We shouldn't have put those people at risk because of the Relic.

Sam: Blake, the Relic may only give off a slight effect with the Grimm. We may be in the clear for a while, but we won't if we "lose our cool," as Qrow put it.

Kali: We should probably find shelter if it starts to get dark. Plus, this storm doesn't seem like it's gonna slow down any time soon.

Maria: Your mother and father are right, missy. There's a trail over there. Trails usually lead somewhere.

Ruby: She's right. Come on.

Everyone grabs their belongings and whatever Dust they can carry with them. Maria sits on Bumblebee as Yang walks her bike. Sam walks over to Oscar as he picks up his cane.

Sam: You okay, Oscar?

Oscar: I...I just can't shake this feeling that I'm just going to be another one of Ozpin's lives.

Sam: I promise you, Oscar, I will do whatever it takes to find a way for you both to be separate.

Oscar smiles as they join the others on the trail.

In the Land of Darkness, five Nevermores are perched on a rocky outcropping with large purple crystals. They fly away when an airship flies by them, heading toward a large purple structure in the distance. The airship lowers down to an outcropping that serves as a dock, and Hazel Rainart, Mercury Black, and Emerald Sustrai hop out. As they proceed forward, they notice Tyrian Callows leaning against the entrance at the bottom of the stairs. His scorpion tail now has a spiked, metal tip covering it from where it was cut off.

Tyrian: (laughs) Welcome back, welcome back! I do hope you missed us as much as we missed you.

Emerald and Mercury glare at Tyrian.

Hazel: Let's go.

The three proceed forward past Tyrian.

Tyrian: Speaking of which, where is our Fall Maiden?

Emerald stops upon hearing this, prompting Tyrian to giggle, causing Emerald to growl.

Mercury: Emerald, come on.

Tyrian: (in a mocking tone) Don't tell me something happened to her? (laughs)

Emerald: (turns around and draws her weapons at Tyrian) I will cut off more than just your tail.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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