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As Sam walks through the halls of the house, he suddenly hears a voice. At first, he didn't mind it too much, but then the voice continued. It was a female voice, and they sounded annoyed. He followed the voice to its source and arrived at a closed door.

Sam: (knocks on door) Is everything alright in there?

A gasp is heard, followed by a thud. Sam carefully opens the door but only opens it a crack.

Sam: Whoever is in here, are you decent?

Ruby: (shyly) Yes.

Sam opens the door more to reveal Ruby hunched over in front of a mirror and notices a pair of scissors on the floor.

Sam: Is everything alright, Miss Rose?

Ruby: Yeah. It's just...Nevermind.

Sam notices Ruby's shyness and closes the door behind him.

Sam: Please, Ruby, what seems to be troubling you?

Ruby looks up at the mirror to see Sam with his arms crossed and his stern look that also seemed compassionate. She turns to face him.

Ruby: I...I haven't messed with my hair since leaving my home in Patch. Usually, I have it short so it doesn't get caught in Crescent Rose, and I usually have my dad cut it. I can't seem to figure out how to start.

Sam: Would you like some help, perhaps?

Ruby: Huh?

Sam: I could cut it for you, or I could do something else to ensure it doesn't get tangled in your weapon.

Ruby: What could you do, exactly?

Sam: (chuckles) Please, have a seat.

Sam pulls out the chair that was used for Ruby's desk and places it in front of him. As he gestures for Ruby to sit, she does so. Sam starts messing with Ruby's hair as he tries to make conversation.

Sam: So, how have you been handling things?

Ruby: What do you...Ow.

Sam: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you there.

Ruby: It's ok. I think I was just surprised. What do you mean, by the way?

Sam: I would assume that for someone of your talents and ambitions, you would seem slightly edgy with everything that Ozpin told you.

Ruby: It's...(sighs) It was a lot to take in. Especially the part when he said that Salem can't be killed. It makes me wonder if we'll be any different from the other Huntsman and Huntresses before me.

Sam: Hmm. Did you know what my daughter said about you?

Ruby: What?

Sam: She referred to you as one of the kindest people she's met, but also the most determined with one's goal. She said that when she first met you, you were fascinated with stories you heard as a child. And when she told you that life isn't like a fairy tale, you told her that you were all at Beacon to make things better.

Ruby: That feels like forever ago. 

Sam: I'll tell you this, Ruby Rose. If there were more people like you in the world, it would be much more prosperous.

Ruby took Sam's kind words to heart as she felt a slight tug in her hair.

Sam: There, all done. You wanna check the mirror and see for yourself?

Ruby walks over to the mirror, and her eyes widen with joy to see that Sam has tied her hair into a short ponytail, and the sides are up as well. (Basically, The Justice League Part 2 Haircut)

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