Radhika Mann | The Healer

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Only she knew. Only she knew how long seconds are. Especially if you are in a foreign land. Once she had stopped playing the sitar, the realization dawned upon her as she felt different. Her clothes felt different, the fabric against her skin changed and her hair changed. She felt the hair on her neck going to her shoulders and the weight of the long and thick plait she used to have was missing. 

She looked all around and found it to be the same tower in which she had started playing the sitar, only, the place was, even more, dustier than then, it was a haven for pigeons and bats it seemed. She felt herself to be lucky that it was daytime. But that didn't stop the pigeons from visiting.

Nobody had been here it seemed for years.

She tried playing the sitar again and again. Maybe this is a daydream she had. The temporary refuge they provided from reality. 

But no change. This really had happened. She really was in someone else's body. From another time.

And that was the time when she decided. It was time to leave this hellish place and find someone and tell them everything.

When she found her way outside the tower, the sun's scorching rays hit her and she flinched. But she had to get away from this awful place and make sense of reality.

She ran as fast as she could out of the tower and found a big castle in front of her. Just like her castle. But a little old, used and spoiled by the ravages of time.

Everything is so different. How much time has passed?

She was still running  towards the castle when,




What was this ear-screeching noise?!!!!!

She screamed and stood up in a split second and looked around her.

The noise was consistent and it didn't take no for an answer!

It came from the bag-like thing slinging on her shoulder.

She screamed and the bag fell down.

What on earth is this creature!!! Screeching so badly!

She saw light emanating from the bag and went backward, scared.

The creature could attack her, she didn't know!

But it didn't move from its place. Maybe it doesn't have legs. Maybe it is a device!

I would have to take it out and see.

She sat on her knees, and went closer to the ear-screeching device,

"Wait, I am just a human. I won't hurt you!"

She went closer and 

I can't do this! I have never even touched a lizard in all my life!

She closed her eyes and pulled the glowing device out and then looked at it.

It was shining and glowing and some symbols were there on it.

She grazed its skin.

And its face changed! It had a circle and a semi-circle beneath it! And something is written above it in a strange language. 

And a voice came from it!


She screamed and the phone fell down from her hands and broke. But it was still alive. And our poor girl was still scared.

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